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Full Stack Data Scientist 🤓

About Me:

I'm currently developing my hard skills by working on challenging projects to gain experience and demonstrate my skills as a Full Stack Data Scientist.
I enjoy working with a variety of knowledge professionals on projects, so...
ask me about for teamwork challenges.
Here is a demonstration of my habilities in my current projects.
I hope I can help you with one.


💻 Tech Stack:

Python Pandas NumPy Matplotlib

scikit-learn TensorFlow

MySQL MongoDB Firebase

Shell Script

Apache DigitalOcean Google Cloud

🥇 TOP Projects

Recommendation Engine 📚

Curso básico android

Custom and automated book recommendation system based on users' behaviors developed with clusterin machine learning algorithms on Python. The main target is to improve the user experience and business impact.

Risk analysis 💲

Curso arquitectura MVVM

Our main goal is to improve bank profits by analyzing the customer loan risk and automize these tasks in a productive environment before giving them the credit approval, using classification machine learning algorithms.

Demand predictions 💹

Curso básico android

We are committed to making a difference in the bank's marketing area through the implementation of solutions that allow them to predict customer demand and offer the best service using Data Science and Machine Learning.

Trading Bot 🤖

Curso arquitectura MVVM

Bitcoin investor bot that helps you get the latest financial information and apply the best decisions. Based on trading algorithms and statistics strategies for buying and selling virtual coins to make profits.

👀 Visits counter

🌐 Socials:

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  2. book-recommendations-engine book-recommendations-engine Public

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