Animation tech programmer at IO Interactive
Interested in compilers and video game engines & tools.
- Running on Magic, Gusarapo Games, Meteorbyte Publishing (2022). PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, PS4, PS5.
- Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, Snoozy Kazoo, Graffiti Games (2022). PS4, Xbox One.
- Ignited Steel: Mech Tactics, Yokaicade, Meteorbyte Publishing (2022). PC, consoles TBA.
- DeckRX: The Deckbuilding Racing Game, Meteorbyte Studios (To be Released, 2023). PC, consoles.
- World Soccer Strikers '91, Bipolar Dawn and Meteorbyte Publishing (2020, 2021). PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch.
- RogueCube, Bipolar Dawn and Ratalaika Games (2020). PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch.
- Woodpunk, Meteorbyte Studios (2018). PC.
For a detailed view of my professional experience, please refer to my resume.
For a better overview of my portfolio and personal info, please chech my personal website.
- TexWriter. Shader-based texture generator, developed with C++, OpenGL and ImGui.
- PJRP. A custom Render Pipeline for Unity, built from scratch using the Core RP library.
- Xaloc Engine. In-development 2D engine written in C++, with C# scripting using mono.
- Seagull. Toy programming language, compiling to intermediate language. Targeting MAPL Virtual Machine, an academic virtual machine built at University of Oviedo.
- Rosetta. Localization tool written in C++, using XML, OpenGL and ImGui. Used for the game localization process in Meteorbyte Studios releases.