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Pactus website

This repository contains all the content for the website.

Contributing to Documentation

Contributions to the website, including fixing typos or grammatical errors, are always welcome. To contribute, simply edit the relevant page or open a pull request.

Install Prerequisites

For running the website locally, you need to have the following installed on your machine:

So if you already have these installed, you can skip this step.


Pactus website is powered by Hugo. so make sure to install the extended version of hugo on your machine. Click here for more info.
Confirm that you have installed the extended version by running the following command:

hugo version

You should see a version number with extended in it. for example:

hugo v0.131.0+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=unknown

yarn or npm

for yarn run:

yarn --version

for npm run:

npm --version


for git run:

git --version

Running the website locally

  1. Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:
git clone
cd pactus-website
  1. Install the dependencies:
yarn install


npm install
  1. Run the website:
hugo server
  1. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:1313/ to see the website running.


Follow these guidelines to ensure high-quality contributions to the Pactus website project.

Creating a new blog post

For creating new blog post run:

hugo new content --kind blog blog/

This command will create a new markdown file in the content/blog directory with the following front matter:

title = ''
description = ''
author = ''
date = date of creation
draft = true
tags = ['']
slug = ''
image = "/images/pic.jpg"

Make sure to fill all the fields carefully as they are important for SEO and user-friendly URLs.
After creating the file, you can start writing your blog post.
You can see your blog post in http://localhost:1313/blog/your-post-slug

Images and static assets

For adding images and other static assets, you can use the static directory.

Translations in markdowon

For using translation in markdown files, you can use the {{<translate "">}} shortcode. translations are in i18n directory.

Style change

For changing style in assets/css/main.css and running website concurrently run:

npm run start

Additional commands

There are some additional commands that help you to check and improve your changes. First you need Install yarn.

  • Check all HTML and markdown files:

    yarn run prettier::setup
    yarn run prettier
  • Lint markdown files:

    yarn run lint:md:setup
    yarn run lint:md
  • Lint YAML files:

    yarn run lint:yml:setup
    yarn run lint:yml
  • Check for broken links:

    yarn run htmlproofer:setup
    yarn run htmlproofer
  • Remove all metadata from PNG images using ExifTool:

    yarn run exif


Markdown is a lightweight markup language that uses plain text formatting syntax to convert text into HTML, making it easy to read and write for web content.


Markdown linting helps ensure consistent style and formatting, detects syntax errors, improves readability, and maintains best practices in Markdown documents.

To lint Markdown files, you can use the mdl (MarkdownLint) command-line tool. This tool checks your Markdown files against a set of rules and provides feedback on any issues found.

To install mdl, first you need to install Ruby. Once you ensure Ruby installed on your system, you can install mdl by running:

gem install mdl

Then you can lint your Markdown files with the following command:

mdl --style=.mdlrc.rb ./content

This command will check all documents in the content folder for any linting issues and output them in the terminal.


Updating the main branch will automatically deploy this repository through deploy Github action.