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File metadata and controls

129 lines (91 loc) · 6.07 KB


🏠 Access

To access to Pagantis admin panel, we need to open the Woocommerce admin panel and follow the next steps:

  1. Woocommerce => Ajustes/Settings
    Step 1

  2. Pagos/Payments => Pagantis
    Step 2

  3. Pagantis
    Step 3

📋 Options

In Pagantis admin panel, we can set the following options:

Field                                     Description

Activate plugin * Checked => Module enabled
* Not Checked => Module disabled (Default)
Public Key(*) String.
Secret Key(*) String.
Product Simulator * Checked => Displays the installments simulator on the product page. (Default)
* Not Checked => Does not display the simulator

ℹ️ - Your keys are located on your Pagantis profile

📋 Advanced configuration:

While we recommend to use the Pagantis module as is , you can customize some settings as shown below.

You have to ways to edit your settings:

List of settings and their description.

ℹ️ - Static values can not be edited.

Field Description

PAGANTIS_TITLE Payment method title displayed on the checkout page. By default:"Pago en cuotas".
PAGANTIS_SIMULATOR_DISPLAY_TYPE Installments simulator on the product page. Static value: 'pgSDK.simulator.types.PRODUCT_PAGE'.
PAGANTIS_SIMULATOR_DISPLAY_SKIN Static value: 'pgSDK.simulator.skins.BLUE'.
PAGANTIS_SIMULATOR_DISPLAY_POSITION Choose the place where you want to watch the simulator.
PAGANTIS_SIMULATOR_START_INSTALLMENTS Number of installments by default to use in simulator.
PAGANTIS_SIMULATOR_MAX_INSTALLMENTS Number of maximum installments to use in simulator.
PAGANTIS_SIMULATOR_DISPLAY_CSS_POSITION The position where the simulator widget will be placed. Recommended value: 'pgSDK.simulator.positions.INNER'.
PAGANTIS_SIMULATOR_CSS_PRICE_SELECTOR CSS selector of the DOM element having totalAmount value.
PAGANTIS_SIMULATOR_CSS_POSITION_SELECTOR CSS Selector to place the widget. (Example: '#simulator', '.PgSimulator')
PAGANTIS_SIMULATOR_CSS_QUANTITY_SELECTOR CSS selector of the DOM element having the quantity selector value.
PAGANTIS_FORM_DISPLAY_TYPE Allows you to select the way to show the payment form in your site
PAGANTIS_DISPLAY_MIN_AMOUNT Minimum price to use the module and show the payment method on the checkout page.
PAGANTIS_DISPLAY_MAX_AMOUNT Maximum price to use the module and show the payment method on the checkout page.
PAGANTIS_URL_OK Location where user will be redirected after a successful payment. This string will be concatenated to the base url to build the full url
PAGANTIS_URL_KO Location where user will be redirected after a wrong payment. This string will be concatenated to the base url to build the full url
PAGANTIS_ALLOWED_COUNTRIES Array of country codes where Pagantis can be used
PAGANTIS_SIMULATOR_DISPLAY_SITUATION Place to move the text simulator. To disable set to: "default"
PAGANTIS_SIMULATOR_SELECTOR_VARIATION Selector to use for products with variations. To disable set to: "default"
Edit your settings using database queries

1 - Open your database management (Commonly Cpanel->phpmyadmin depending on your hosting solution)

2 - Connect to the wordpress database. (Frequently called wordpress)

3 - Launch a query to check if the table exists:

  • Query: SELECT * FROM wp_pagantis_config;

    Step 3

4 - Find the setting PAGANTIS_TITLE, in this example we are going to change 'Instant Financing' to 'New Title'

5 - Launch the following query to edit the value:

  • Query: UPDATE wp_pagantis_config set value='New title' WHERE config='PAGANTIS_TITLE';

Step 5

6 - After the modification, you can verify it with the following query :

  • Query: SELECT * FROM wp_pagantis_config;

Step 6

7 - Finally you can see the result on checkout page:

Step 7

Edit your settings using Postman

To modify the configuration you only need to make a post to:


Sending in the form data the key of the option you want to change and the new value.

  1. Open the application
    Step 1

  2. Set the mode of the request
    2.1 - Click on BODY tag
    2.2 - Click on x-www-form-urlencoded
    Step 2

  3. Set your request
    3.1 - On the upper-left side, you need to set a POST request
    3.2 - Fill the url field, setting your domain and your secret key which is located on your Pagantis profile.
    3.3 - Set the config key to modify. List of config keys.
    3.4 - Set the value for the selected key
    Step 3

  4. Press SEND
    Step 4

  5. If everything works correctly, you should see the edited config as show below
    Step 5

  6. Finally you can see the change in checkout page:
    Step 6