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Quality Gate Status Integration Tests

Api Documentation 📖

See the OpenApi 3 here.

Technology Stack 📚

  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Web
  • Feign Client

Start Project Locally 🚀


  • docker
  • a running GPD mock (see mock folder of this repository)

Run docker container

Under main folder typing:

docker build pagopagpdpayments

or under docker folder typing:

docker-compose up --build

Known issues:

  • if you have a Mac with m1 processor and you want to start the project locally using the Docker Compose, you must update this instruction in the Dockerfile as follows FROM --platform=linux/amd64 adoptopenjdk/openjdk16:alpine
  • If you run this command on Mac device, you may find an error related to the impossibility to generate the Docker containers:
    ... SomeServiceTest IllegalState Previous attempts to find a Docker environment
    This could be caused by a permission issue during the generation of these containers. In order to perform correctly the docker-compose command in local, is recommended to leave the test.skip parameter in the maven package phase to true and rely on code-review pipeline for the execution of the unit tests.

Develop Locally 💻


  • git
  • maven
  • jdk-11
  • docker

Run the project

Under main folder typing:

mvn spring-boot:run

Testing 🧪


Unit testing

Under payments folder typing:


Integration testing

Under payments folder typing:

 newman run api-test/GPD.postman_collection.json --environment=api-test/local.postman_environment.json 

NOTE: suppose Started Payments on port 8080

Load testing

Under payments folder typing:

postman-to-k6 api-test/GPD.postman_collection.json --environment api-test/local.postman_environment.json -o ./k6-script.js
k6 run --vus 2 --duration 30s ./k6-script.js

NOTE: suppose Started Payments on port 8085

Mainteiners 👨‍💻