This repository demonstrates how to implement a custom compiler/transpiler plugin for Bitty Engine with a BF example.
Clone or download this repository.
Click "Project", "Browse Data Directory..." from the menu bar.
Ensure there is a "plugins" directory under that directory.
Put the "plugin.bit" into the new created "plugins" directory. And name it properly.
- Reopen Bitty Engine.
- Create a new asset, select the registered asset type.
- Click "Install" to inject necessary assets to the target project.
- Write and run BF code.
Bitty Engine loads plugin to extend its features once it's installed. It loads a BF compiler in this example which can inject the compiler to a target project. And the injected compiler/transpiler runs as regular Bitty code that translates BF code to runnable Lua chunk.
require 'bf/compiler' -- Require the compiler.
local f = compile('hello') -- Compile something.
f() -- Run the compiled chunk.
A compiler plugin contains three parts.
Similar to regular Bitty projects, it has an "info.json", define it as you want.
Bitty Engine doesn't run a plugin project directly, it must be installed before running. The execution entry is also named as "main.lua".
But the entry functions are different from regular project. Eg.
-- Which assets are supposed to be injected from this plugin to target project.
local assets = {
-- Tips and example code.
local tips = 'Usage:\n require \'bf/compiler\'\n f = compile(\'\')\n f()'
local code = 'require \'bf/compiler\'\nf = compile(\'\')\nf()\n'
-- Plugin entry, called to determine the usage of this plugin.
function usage()
return { 'compiler' } -- This plugin is a compiler.
-- Plugin entry, called to determine the schema of this plugin.
function schema()
return {
-- Common.
name = 'BF', -- Asset name registered for this plugin.
extension = 'bf', -- Asset extension registered for this plugin.
-- List of string.
keywords = { },
identifiers = { },
quotes = { '\'', '"' },
-- String.
multiline_comment_start = nil,
multiline_comment_end = nil,
-- C++ regex.
comment_patterns = { '\\#.*' },
number_patterns = { },
identifier_patterns = { },
punctuation_patterns = { '[\\<\\>\\+\\-\\.\\,\\[\\]]' },
-- Boolean.
case_sensitive = true,
-- List of string.
assets = assets
-- Plugin entry, called to install necessary assets to your target project.
function compiler()
print('Install BF compiler to the current project.')
:thus(function (rsp)
local install = function (name)
local data = Project.main:read(name)
Project.editing:write(name, data) -- Write into the target project.
for _, asset in ipairs(assets) do -- Install all necessary assets.
:thus(function ()
Platform.setClipboardText(code) -- Put example code to clipboard.
The plugin project also contains assets to be injected. See the plugin in this repository for details.