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Aprius edited this page Aug 29, 2024 · 5 revisions


Interface/contract for a type that is considered a GameObject source.Such as Components/IComponents, which are attached to GameObjects, so therefore are a source of a GameObject.


Base contract for any interface contract that should be considered a Component

flowchart LR

IGameObjectSource --- IComponent --> IGameObjectSource
IComponent --- IGameObjectSource

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A special interface that allows you to deploy OnloadComponents method, when this button load component in header script in Inspector will work, you can perform setups like Auto Binding Component here so that when clicking on this button everything will everything will Setup automatically avoids the error due to pulling


For components that do not deploy ILoadComponent, when clicking the button it does not perform anything, just announced that this component does not deploy ILoadComponent



Provide an Accept method with a visitor parameter

public abstract class Entity : MonoBehaviour, IVisitable 
    public void Accept(IVisitor visitor) => visitor.Visit(this);


Provide an Visit method with a visitable parameter

public class Item : MonoBehaviour, IVisitor
    public void Visit<T>(T visitable) where T : Component, IVisitable
        if (visitable is Entity entity)
            // todo take item

    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        other.TryGetComponent<IVisitable>(out var visitable);


Represents a mechanism for triggering an event.

public sealed class FakeEvent : IEventTrigger
    public bool HasBeenTriggered { get; private set; }
    public void Trigger() => HasBeenTriggered = true;
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