set of kOS utilities and complete mission profiles (with craft files)
libinput - currently only has library loader
- require.ks - load (require) and delete (unrequire) other libraries to the vessel storage
libmath - set of mathematical functions and solvers
- math.ks - useful mathematical functions (direct and inverse hyperbolic functions, sign, short aliases for Euler e, pi, degtorad and radtodeg)
- frame.ks - functions to convert coordinates between reference frames
- cse.ks - conic state extrapolation from arbitrary initial state
- brent.ks - Brent-Dekker's root-finding algorithm
- lambert.ks - Lambert solver
liborbital - library for orbital operations.
- altNodes - gives altitude (AltTA2), direction (UniPosTA2) and velocity (VelTA2) at given true anomaly, and true anomaly of ascending node (TAofAN2)
- annorm.ks - calculate body-centric AN and normal vectors given orbital inclination and LAN
- aponode.ks and perinode.ks - plan prograde maneuver nodes at apoapsis / periapsis to change the opposite apsis to a set value
- circularize.ks - circularize orbit at ship's current position
- dock.ks - dock to the target port of another vessel
- etaNodes.ks - functions to calculate time to a given true anomaly, ascending node and descending node (only for elliptic orbits)
- exenode.ks - execute maneuver node
- orbdir.ks - calculate body-centric AN and normal vectors of ship's current orbit
- trimperiod.ks - fine-tune orbital period burning prograde or retrograde
libvessel - functions to get vessel properties
- thrustisp.ks - get projection of thrust onto current facing vector and effective exhaust velocity for all active engines
- vesselsize.ks - estimate maximum size of the vessel (useful for safe docking)
libwarp - functions to control time warp
- warpfor - warp for specified time (unlike kuniverse:timewarp:warpto() will not be interrupted by external events such as KAC alarms or whatnot)
- warpheight - warp to the specified altitude ASL
KOT - 1-person spacecraft
- KOT-1 - get to LKO and back
- KOT-D - equipped with a docking port, designed to dock to a target vessel
Dockee - docking target vessel
Kommsat - spacecraft for medium-altitude relay network. Designed to start from nonzero latitude and get to equatorial orbit
- Kommsat 2 - same as Kommsat, designed to get into orbit 90 degrees apart from Kommsat 1
Mapsat - SCANSat probe designed for polar orbit
Moona - Munar robotic exploration project
- Moona 1 - impactor probe
- Moona 2 - orbiter probe
- Moona Pol - polar orbiter with SCANSat scanner
- Moona 6 - lander (needs coordinates to land at)
L3project - Soviet-themed manned Munar landing
- video:
- parts from Home-Grown Rockets are highly customized, so no craft file, sorry