This project is a food delivery website created using React and Tailwind CSS. It serves as a practical exercise to reinforce React concepts and explore the styling capabilities of Tailwind CSS.
Live Preview - [BestEats][url(]
🚀 Quick Start Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd food-delivery-website
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run the development server:
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the website.
🌟 Features Responsive design using Tailwind CSS Various components including header, card, hero, etc. Sample raw data for testing and development
📂 Folder Structure
|-- public/
|-- src/
| |-- components/
| | |-- Header/
| | |-- Cards/
| | |-- Navbar/
| | |-- ...
| |-- data/
| | |-- menuData.js
| |-- App.js
| |-- index.js
| |-- ...
|-- .gitignore
|-- package.json
|-- ...
🧩 Components Header Component: The header of the website.
Card Component: Represents a food item card.
Hero Component: Displays a hero section on the landing page.
... (Add more components as needed)
Raw data for menu items is stored in src/data/menuData.js. Modify this file to add, remove, or edit menu items.
const menuData = [
id: 1,
name: 'Burger',
price: 8.99,
// Add more properties as needed
// Add more menu items
🤝 Contributing Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests. Follow these steps:
Fork the repository. Create a new branch:
git checkout -b feature-name.
Make your changes and commit them:
git commit -m 'Add new feature'.
Push to the branch:
git push origin feature-name.
📄 License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.