cshmarks is a shell script that allows you to save and jump to commonly used directories. It supports tab completion.
It is inspided by bashmarks but it is not compatible with it.
$ git clone https://github.com/panosdim/cshmarks.git ~/.cshmarks
$ echo "source ~/.cshmarks/cshmarks" >> .cshrc
s <bookmark_name> - Saves the current directory as "bookmark_name"
g <bookmark_name> - Goes (cd) to the directory associated with "bookmark_name"
d <bookmark_name> - Deletes the bookmark
l - Lists all available bookmarks
$ cd /var/www/
$ s webfolder
$ cd /usr/local/lib/
$ s locallib
$ l
$ g web<tab>
$ g webfolder
All of your directory bookmarks are saved in a file called ".cdirs" in your HOME directory.