This project is an open-source solution for controlling IoT Smart Devices/Sensors, built as a university thesis at the [Department of Cultural Technology & Communication] (, [University of the Aegean] ( The devices built for this project include smart plugs and on/off switches (for controlling lights, coffee makers etc.), temperature/humidity sensors and PIR motion sensors, all based on the ESP8266 WiFi module. A REST API is built for managing those devices and a web app is provided as the front-end.
Examples are hosted [here] ( (currently requires VPN connection to Aegean University) and [here -] ( Schematics for the devices are provided in [/esp8266-devices/schematics] (/esp8266-devices/schematics).
- [Material Design Lite] ( - The front-end template used
- [NodeMCU] ( - Lua based firmware for ESP8266 WiFi SOC
For the web server: Apache 2, MySQL 5, PHP 7.
The code in this project is botched at some points, but it was build for demonstrative purposes and I also learned a lot in the process. So, any contribution is welcome.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the file for details.