- Added HTTP, AWS Lambda, OpenFaas triggers.
- Support for special operations like submit, resubmit, retry, etc. for Argo workflow triggers
- Support for Create and Update operations for K8s resource triggers.
- Added Redis, Emitter, Stripe, NSQ, and Azure Events Hub gateways.
- Simplified gateway subscriber logic.
- Support Event Source as K8s custom resource #377
- Fix transform issue when doing go build #389
- Workflow parameters are ignored when triggered through argo-events #373
- Allow regular expression in event filters #360
- volumes doesn't work in Workflow triggered webhook-sensor #342
- Added ability to refer the eventSource in a different namespace #311
- Ability to send events sensors in different namespace #317
- Support different trigger parameter operations #319
- Support fetching/checkouts of non-branch/-tag git refs #322
- Feature/support slack interaction actions #324
- Gcp Pubsub Gateway Quality of life Fixes #326
- Fix circuit bug #327
- Pub/Sub: multi-project support #330
- Apply resource parameters before defaulting namespace #331
- Allow watching of resources in all namespaces at once #334
- upport adding Github hooks without requiring a Github webhook id to be hardcoded #352
- Support applying parameters for complete trigger spec #230
- Increased test coverage #220
- Gateway and Sensor pods are managed by the framework in the event of deletion #194
- Add URL to webhook like gateways #216
- Improved file gateway with path regex support #213
- TLS support for webhook #206
- Bug fix for Github gateway #243
- Support for arbitrary boolean logic to resolve event dependencies #12
- Ability to add timezone and extra user payload to calendar gateway #164
- Data filter bug fix #165
- Added multi-fields/multi-values data filter #167
- Added support for backoff option when making connections in stream gateway #168
- AWS SNS Gateway #169
- GCP PubSub Gateway #176
- Support for git as trigger source #171
- Enhance Gitlab & Github gateway with in-build http server #172
- Refactor gateways #147
- Fixed sensor error state recovery bug #145
- Ability to add annotations on sensor and gateway pods #143
- Github gateway
- Added support for NATS standard and streaming as communication protocol between gateway and sensor #99
- Gitlab Gateway #120
- If sensor is repeatable then deploy it as deployment else job #109
- Start gateway containers in correct order. Gateway transformer > gateway processor. Add readiness probe to gateway transformer #106
- Kubernetes configmaps as artifact locations for triggers #104
- Let user set extra environment variable for sensor pod #103
- Ability to provide complete Pod spec in gateway.
- The schedule for calendar gateway is now in standard cron format #102
- FileWatcher as core gateway #98
- Tutorials on setting up pipelines #105
- Asciinema recording for setup #107
- StorageGrid Gateway
- Scripts to generate swagger specs from gateway structs
- Added support to pass non JSON payload to trigger
- Update shopify's sarama to 1.19.0 to support Kafka 2.0
- Introduced gateways as event generators.
- Added multiple flavors of gateway - core gateways, gRPC gateways, HTTP gateways, custom gateways
- Added K8 events to capture gateway configurations update and as means to update gateway resource
- SLA violations are now reported through k8 events
- Sensors can trigger Argo workflow, any kubernetes resource and gateway
- Gateway can send events to other gateways and sensors
- Added examples for gateway and sensors
- Sensors are now repeatable and fixed all issues with signal repeatability.
- Removed signal deployments as microservices.
- Signals as separate deployments #49
- Fixed code-gen bug #46
- Filters for signals #26
- Inline, file and url sources for trigger workflows #41
- Initial release