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Flask Application for Building A Mind website.

This is a Flask-based web application for managing users, research papers, and authors. It includes features for user sign-up, sign-in, profile management, adding and listing research papers, and adding new authors.


  • Python 3.x
  • pip (Python package installer)
  • pip install flask-swagger-ui


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd <repository-directory>
  2. Create a virtual environment:

    python -m venv venv
  3. Activate the virtual environment:

    • On Windows:

    • On macOS/Linux:

      source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install the dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Database Setup

  1. Create the database and tables:

  2. Populate the database with sample data:


Running the Flask App

  1. Start the Flask app:

  2. Access the application:

    Open your web browser and go to

API Endpoints

User Endpoints

  • Sign Up:

    POST /api/signup

    Request Body:

      "user_email": "string",
      "user_first_name": "string",
      "user_last_name": "string",
      "user_password": "string"

    Expected Response:

      "message": "User created successfully",
      "token": "string"
  • Sign In:

    POST /api/signin

    Request Body:

      "user_email": "string",
      "user_password": "string"

    Expected Response:

      "message": "Signed in successfully",
      "token": "string"
  • Get Profile:

    GET /api/profile


    Authorization: Bearer <token>

    Expected Response:

      "user_id": "integer",
      "user_email": "string",
      "user_first_name": "string",
      "user_last_name": "string",
      "user_image": "string",
      "user_registration_time": "string",
      "user_access": "string",
      "university": "string",
      "collections_paper_ids": "string"
  • Update Profile:

    PUT /api/profile


    Authorization: Bearer <token>

    Request Body:

      "user_first_name": "string",
      "user_last_name": "string",
      "user_image": "string"

    Expected Response:

      "message": "Profile updated successfully"

Research Papers Endpoints

  • List Papers:

    GET /api/papers

    Expected Response:

        "paper_id": "integer",
        "paper_created_by_user_id": "integer",
        "short_paper_title": "string",
        "short_description": "string",
        "preview_image": "string",
        "authors": [
            "author_id": "integer",
            "first_name": "string",
            "last_name": "string",
            "image": "string",
            "website": "string"
        "paper_pdf_link": "string"
  • Get Paper by ID:

    GET /api/papers/<int:paper_id>

    Expected Response:

      "paper_id": "integer",
      "paper_created_by_user_id": "integer",
      "short_paper_title": "string",
      "short_description": "string",
      "preview_image": "string",
      "authors": [
          "author_id": "integer",
          "first_name": "string",
          "last_name": "string",
          "image": "string",
          "website": "string"
      "paper_pdf_link": "string",
      "paper_description": "string"
  • Add Paper:

    POST /api/papers


    Authorization: Bearer <token>

    Request Body:

        "short_paper_title": "string",
        "short_description": "string",
        "preview_image": "string",
        "authors_ids": [list of author ids],
        "paper_pdf_link": "string",
        "paper_description": "string"

    Expected Response:

      "message": "Paper added successfully",
      "paper_id": "integer"

Authors Endpoints

  • Add Author:

    POST /api/authors


    Authorization: Bearer <token>

    Request Body:

      "author_first_name": "string",
      "author_last_name": "string",
      "author_image": "string",
      "author_website": "string"

    Expected Response:

      "message": "Author added successfully",
      "author_id": "integer"

Collections Endpoints

  • Get User Paper Collections:

    GET /api/collections


    Authorization: Bearer <token>

    Expected Response:

        "collections_paper_ids": [integer]
  • Get Papers from Collections:

    GET /api/collections/papers


    Authorization: Bearer <token>

    Expected Response:

        "paper_id": "integer",
        "paper_created_by_user_id": "integer",
        "short_paper_title": "string",
        "short_description": "string",
        "preview_image": "string",
        "authors": [
            "author_id": "integer",
            "first_name": "string",
            "last_name": "string",
            "image": "string",
            "website": "string"
        "paper_pdf_link": "string"
  • Add Paper to Collections:

    POST /api/collections


    Authorization: Bearer <token>

    Request Body:

      "paper_id": "integer"

    Expected Response:

      "message": "Paper added to collections successfully"
  • Remove Paper from Collections:

    DELETE /api/collections


    Authorization: Bearer <token>

    Request Body:

      "paper_id": "integer"

    Expected Response:

      "message": "Paper removed from collections successfully"

Database Structure

The database used in this application is bam.db. It contains the following tables:

Users Table

  • Table Name: users
  • Description: Stores user information.
Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
user_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, AUTOINCREMENT Unique identifier for each user.
user_email TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE User's email address.
user_first_name TEXT NOT NULL User's first name.
user_last_name TEXT NOT NULL User's last name.
user_password TEXT NOT NULL User's hashed password.
user_image TEXT URL or path to user's profile image.
user_registration_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Timestamp of user registration.
user_access TEXT CHECK(user_access IN ('user', 'team', 'admin')), NOT NULL User's access level (user, team, admin).
university TEXT Name of the university the user is associated with.
collections_paper_ids TEXT Comma-separated list of paper IDs in the user's collection.

Research Papers Table

  • Table Name: research_papers
  • Description: Stores information about research papers.
Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
paper_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, AUTOINCREMENT Unique identifier for each paper.
paper_created_by_user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES users(user_id) User who created the paper.
short_paper_title TEXT NOT NULL Short title of the paper.
short_description TEXT NOT NULL Short description of the paper.
preview_image TEXT URL or path to the paper's preview image.
authors_ids TEXT NOT NULL Comma-separated list of author IDs.
paper_pdf_link TEXT NOT NULL URL link to the paper's PDF.
paper_description TEXT NOT NULL Full description of the paper.

Authors Table

  • Table Name: authors
  • Description: Stores information about authors.
Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
author_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, AUTOINCREMENT Unique identifier for each author.
author_first_name TEXT NOT NULL Author's first name.
author_last_name TEXT NOT NULL Author's last name.
author_image TEXT URL or path to author's image.
author_website TEXT URL to the author's personal website.


Notes for database setup

  • Ensure that user_email is unique in the users table.
  • paper_created_by_user_id in research_papers references user_id in the users table.
  • authors_ids in research_papers is a comma-separated list of author_id values from the authors table.

General Notes

  • Ensure that you update the SECRET_KEY in to a secure value.
  • Replace <repository-url> and <repository-directory> with the actual URL and directory name of your repository.


Issues / Enhancements

  • Add Publication date to the research papers table
  • Add update paper method.
  • Write and endpoint to delete an existing user.
  • Write test for each endpopint in postman.
  • Update the documentation in readme file.


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