MemeAdviser is a reddit bot that analyzes the market at r/MemeEconomy and gives insightful information on investments.
As soon as a meme hits #1 on the front page, the bot records the time it took and the amount of upvotes with which it reached there. Everything it's collected and recorded can be found on the /r/MemeAdviser wiki. Gathering this data lets us gain better insight on front page patterns and lets us fine-tune the bot.
If the meme has a low number of upvotes at the time, the bot comments on the meme and provides the break-even point for any investments made during that time.
The bot also lets users subscribe to it. When it finds a promising meme, it messages the link to everyone that's subscribed. It also provides a more in-depth analysis of the meme. Redditors can subscribe to the bot by sending a private message to u/MemeAdviser with the text "Subscribe" as the subject or body.
This repository has been archived and no new PRs will be merged.
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Python 3.6.7
The logfile is pushed online every 5 minutes
This project is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0