Welcome to Ecommerce API ! This API allows you to manage products, user carts, and orders. It comes with features like database integration, authentication, error handling, and documentation.
Database Integration: This API integrates with a MongoDB database to store and manage product data, user cart information, and order details. It performs CRUD operations on products, cart items, and orders.
Authentication Middleware and Security: Sensitive API endpoints, such as cart management and order placement, are protected with authentication middleware. Only authenticated users are allowed to access these endpoints.
User Authentication: The API implements user authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Users can register, log in, and obtain a token to authenticate API requests.
Error Handling: The API includes robust error handling, ensuring meaningful error messages and appropriate status codes are returned when errors occur.
Documentation: Detailed API documentation is provided. You can explore the API endpoints, their functionalities, expected inputs, and outputs in the Postman documentation ( below Mentioned ).
Rate Limiting : API rate limiting is implemented to prevent abuse and maintain server stability. Requests are limited to a specific rate ( 25 Request per 5 minutes ), preventing excessive usage.
Install required dependencies using
npm install
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Database Setup:
Set up your MongoDB database.
Create a
file in the root directory of your project. -
In the
file, add the following configurations:JWT_SECRET=your_secret_key PORT=3000 MONGODB=your_mongodb_connection_string
with a secure JWT secret key. -
with the connection string to your MongoDB database.
Start the API server using
npm start
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Use Below Mentioned Postman Link to Check API Documentation.
- POST /auth/signup: Register a new user.
- POST /auth/login: Log in and obtain an authentication token.
- GET /all-products: Fetch list of all products.
- GET /single-product/:id: Fetch details of a specific product.
- GET /get-all-categories: Fetch all Categories from Products.
- POST /cart/add: Add a product to the user's cart.
- PUT /cart/decrease/: Decrease the quantity of a product in the cart.
- GET /cart/show: Fetch the user's cart.
- POST /order/place Place an order based on the products in the cart.
- GET /order/get-order-detail/:orderId: Fetch specific order detail made by a specific user.
- GET /order/show: Fetch all the orders from a specific user.
To access secure endpoints, provide an authentication token in the request headers. Obtain a token by registering and logging in as a user.
The API implements rate limiting to prevent abuse. Requests are limited to a specific rate within a time window.
Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or want to suggest an improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.