Docker Homework is my project for exercising Docker This Project has written in Java and Spring as IoC Container and also using Maven archtype.
This project consist of 1 module:
1- Hw1 -> first homework. it's just an simple web application.
- Java 17
- Maven 3.6.*
- Docker
To build this project you have to use maven. Thus run this at root directory of project
mvn clean package
To make docker file of this module first build the project then change your working directory to hw1 module and run
docker build --tag <your-docker-image-tag-name> .
Then run the container by
docker run --name test-image -d -p 8085:8085 <your-docker-image-tag-name>
>> To change application setting you can modify application.yml file.
>>> By default application starts at port 8085 to change this use server.port property.
>> This module has these endpoints (/parham is the root context-path).
>>> /parham/hello?name=name -> name is optional query parameter
>>> /parham/author
>> To see full api documentation use /parham/swagger-ui.html to visit swagger page.
>> To check the status of the application you can use spring actuator.
>>> /parham/actuator -> spring actuator end point.