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To convert a given design into a multi-page, functional, responsive website and present technical wins/ challenges.
-Site is responsive (down to 320px) and uses media queries
-Flexbox and a wrapper is used
-Sass variables are used
-Site is accessible (i.e. form labels are implemented properly, images have alt text etc.)
-Mobile view provides good user experience
-Files, folders and project repo follow a consisting naming convention (ie. kabob-case)
-Naming convention throughout HTML and CSS is consistent (ie. kabob-case) or follows a known pattern (ie. BEM)
-Project is organized using Sass partials (minimum 3)
-Project represents the provided design well
-Navigation should link to other pages made for the project
-Site is live on Netlify
-Project will be presented to discuss technical win(s) & technical challenge(s)
-Making sure the web app is reposnsive without sacrificing on the DRYness of the code
-Steering from hard coding all the skills and adding them to an array of objects so it's more dynamic
-Humburger menu and making sure the code is not repetitive
-Learning and applying CSS Grid