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Centralized Monitoring


  • To monitor a multi-cluster fleet, we deploy a central monitoring cluster with Fluent Bit and Prometheus configured to send logs and metrics to Grafana Cloud.
  • The monitoring cluster runs WebValidate (WebV) to send requests to apps running on the other clusters in the fleet. - The current design has one deployment of WebV for each app.
    • The webv-heartbeat deployment sends requests to all of the heartbeat apps running on the fleet clusters.
  • Fluent Bit is configured to forward WebV logs to Grafana Loki
  • Prometheus is configured to scrape WebV metrics.
  • These logs and metrics are used to power a Grafana Cloud dashboard and provide insight into cluster and app availability and latency.

Lab Prerequisites

Fleet Configuration Prerequisites

  • Grafana Cloud Account
    • You can set up a free trial Grafana Cloud Account here.
  • Azure subscription
  • Managed Identity (MI) for the fleet
  • Key Vault
    • Grant the MI access to the Key Vault

Key Vault Secrets

  • A PAT is required to forward logs and metrics to Grafana Cloud.
  • The PAT is stored as a k8s secret on the fleet clusters.
  • Before creating the secrets, a Key Vault and MI (with access to the Key Vault) must be configured. See setup docs for instructions.

Fluent Bit Secret

Follow instructions here to create the required Fluent Bit secret in the Key Vault.

Prometheus Secret

Follow instructions here to create the required Prometheus secret in the Key Vault.


  • The Key Vault secret values are retrieved (via MI) during fleet creation and stored as kubernetes secrets on each cluster in the fleet (in and
  • The logging (fluent-bit) and metrics (prometheus) namespaces are bootstrapped on each of the clusters, prior to secret creation.

Deploy a Central Monitoring Cluster

This assumes you have an existing multi-cluster fleet. If you do not have MI and Key Vault configured, see the setup lab.

# set to the name of your fleet
# these commands assume the resource group for your fleet is named $FLT_NAME-fleet
export FLT_NAME=yourfleetname

# check required env vars
# PIB_MI and PIB_KEYVAULT need to be set to the appropriate values
flt env

flt create -g $FLT_NAME-fleet -c monitoring-$FLT_NAME


Create apps/webv Directory

  • Add webv to the apps/ directory
  • By default, this provides you with two deployments of webv: webv-heartbeat and webv-imdb.
# make sure you are in the monitoring directory
cd $PIB_BASE/labs/advanced-labs/monitoring

cp -aR ./webv ../../../apps

# commit changes
git add ../../../
git commit -m "Adding webv to apps dir"
git push

Configure WebV

  • Before deploying, you need to update the arguments for the webv-heartbeat and webv-imdb deployments to target the clusters in your fleet.
  • Replace the server arguments (placeholders are with the fqdn for the clusters in your fleet. You can find these values in the cluster yaml metadata files in the clusters/ directory.
          - --sleep
          - "5000"
          - --prometheus
          - --run-loop
          - --server
          - --files
          - heartbeat-load.json
          - --zone
          - {{}}
          - --region
          - {{gitops.cluster.region}}
          - --log-format
          - Json

Deploy WebV to the Central Monitoring Cluster

# make sure you are in the apps/webv directory
cd $PIB_BASE/apps/webv

# should be empty
flt targets list

# clear if needed
flt targets clear

# add monitoring cluster
flt targets add region:monitoring

flt targets deploy

Verify WebV was Deployed

# should see webv added
git pull

# force flux to reconcile
flt sync

# should be found on the monitoring cluster
flt check app webv

# should see webv pods running
flt exec kic pods -f monitoring

Fluent Bit

Create apps/fluent-bit Directory

  • Add fluent-bit to the apps/ directory
cd $PIB_BASE/labs/advanced-labs/monitoring

cp -aR ./fluent-bit ../../../apps

# commit changes
git add ../../../
git commit -m "Adding fluent-bit to apps dir"
git push

Configure Fluent Bit

Follow the instructions here to configure the Fluent Bit deployment.

Deploy Fluent Bit to the Central Monitoring Cluster

# make sure you are in the fluent-bit directory
cd $PIB_BASE/apps/fluent-bit

# should be empty
flt targets list

# clear if needed
flt targets clear

# add monitoring cluster
flt targets add region:monitoring

flt targets deploy

Verify Fluent Bit was Deployed

# should see fluent-bit added
git pull

# force flux to reconcile
flt sync

# should be found on the monitoring cluster
flt check app fluent-bit

# should see fluent-bit pod running
flt exec kic pods -f monitoring


Create apps/prometheus directory

  • Add prometheus to the apps/ directory
cd $PIB_BASE/labs/advanced-labs/monitoring

cp -aR ./prometheus ../../../apps

# commit changes
git add ../../../
git commit -m "Adding prometheus to apps dir"
git push

Configure Prometheus

Follow the instructions here to configure the Prometheus deployment.

Update targets and deploy Prometheus to the central monitoring cluster

# make sure you are in the prometheus directory
cd $PIB_BASE/apps/prometheus

# should be empty
flt targets list

# clear if needed
flt targets clear

# add monitoring cluster
flt targets add region:monitoring

flt targets deploy

Verify Prometheus was Deployed

# should see prometheus added
git pull

# force flux to reconcile
flt sync

# should be found on the monitoring cluster
flt check app prometheus

# should see prometheus pod running
flt exec kic pods -f monitoring

Create Grafana Cloud Dashboard

# set to dns or no-dns depending on your fleet configuration

# make sure $PIB_SSL is set to your domain name
# can skip if dns/ssl is not configured
echo $PIB_SSL

# set environment variable to your grafana cloud account name
export GRAFANA_NAME=yourgrafanacloudaccountname

# cd to this directory
cd $PIB_BASE/labs/advanced-labs/monitoring

# generate json based on dashboard-template-dns
cp dashboard-template-$DASHBOARD_TYPE.json dashboard.json
sed -i "s/%%FLEET_NAME%%/${FLT_NAME}/g" dashboard.json
sed -i "s/%%DOMAIN_NAME%%/${PIB_SSL}/g" dashboard.json
sed -i "s/%%GRAFANA_NAME%%/${GRAFANA_NAME}/g" dashboard.json
  • Copy the content in dashboard.json and import as a new dashboard in Grafana Cloud.

Create Grafana Alert

  • Go to Grafana Cloud > Alerting > Alert Rules

  • Create a new alert (+ New Alert Rule)

    • Rule type: Grafana managed alert
  • Query A:

    • Select grafanacloud.yourgrafananame.prom as the source from the drop down list
    • Replace [your $FLT_NAME] with your fleet name and copy the query below to the query field
    sum(rate(WebVDuration_count{status!="OK",server!="",origin_prometheus="monitoring-[your $FLT_NAME]"}[10s])) by (server,job) / sum(rate(WebVDuration_count{server!="",origin_prometheus="monitoring-[your $FLT_NAME]"}[10s])) by (server,job) * 100
  • Query B:

    • Set Operation to Reduce
    • Set Function to Last
    • Set Input to A
    • Leave Mode as Strict
  • Add another Expression (+ Add expression)

    • Name the Expression "More than 5% errors"
    • Set Operation to Math
    • Type in the Expression: $B > 5
  • Set alert condition to "More than 5% errors"

  • Set alert evaluation behavior

    • Set evaluate every to 30s
    • Set for to 1m
  • Add details for your alert

    • Replace [your $FLT_NAME] with your fleet name
      • Rule name: [your $FLT_NAME] App Issue
      • Folder: Pick any folder
      • Group: [your $FLT_NAME] - App Issue
  • Click 'Save and exit'

"Break" an Application Deployment

  • To watch the dashboard and alerts "in action", we will temporarily take down an instance of imdb

Reduce imdb Targets

cd $PIB_BASE/apps/imdb

# show current targets
flt targets list

# clear targets
flt targets clear

# target only one region/cluster
# update accordingly depending on the clusters in your fleet
flt target add region:central

flt targets deploy

Update Cluster

# should see imdb removed from some clusters
git pull

# force flux to reconcile
flt sync
  • Navigate to your dashboard in Grafana to see some clusters "turn red"
    • You may need to hit refresh a few times
    • The alert will take ~1 minute to show up