I am pursuing research at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), where I'm a part of the Intelligent Inclusive Interaction Design Lab, advised by Dr. Pradipta Biswas. Previously, I interned at Reliance Industries Limited as a Web Developer. Before that, I interned as a Machine Learning Engineer at Devtown. I recently completed my undergraduate (Bachelor of Engineering) in Information Technology from the Β Β G H Patel College of Engineering and Technology, Anand.
My long-term research goal is to develop autonomous systems capable of robust real-time decision-making. To achieve this, I've been working on deep learning for perception. Currently, I'm working on networks that can handle multiple perception tasks.
Developed a novel recurrent neural network for lane detection based on LSTM with higher accuracy and lower inference cost on Indian Driving Dataset (IDD) over CRF-based methods.
YOLOv3 object detector that identifies people and traffic signs. Trained using OpenImageV6 and Bosch Small Traffic Light Dataset. Optimized a YOLOv3-Deep SORT object tracker through Dlib integration.
A Carpool Management System serving 24k users across a 300 sq. km area at Reliance Industries Limited refinery complex. Implemented a data visualization tool using react-map-gl to monitor 1480 vehicles.
A driver drowsiness detector that can identify blinks and yawns using Dlib and a separate subnetwork. Developed a CNN based on the attention mechanism for eye gaze estimation on the NVGaze dataset.
A CNN architecture that employs multi-task learning to detect the presence of a face mask and its coverage of the nose, mouth, and chin on human faces. Conducted training on MaskedFace-Net 138k synthetic images.
Programming Languages
Libraries and Frameworks
Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.