Our goal is to build task bank/management webapplication with React and NodeJS development environment's.
You can run project with command npm install and then npm start. Browser should open http://localhost:3000/ address for local environment
You have to setup your own env files.
- Frontend:
REACT_APP_API_URL=http://localhost:3001/api for local use, /api for production (assuming front-end being built as static inside back-end repository)
- Backend:
MONGODB_URI= "Enter mongoDB uri"
TEST_MONGODB_URI= "Enter mongoDB uri for tests"
SECRET= "Enter your secret"
ADMIN_KEY= "Enter admin key"
APPLICATION_STAGE=DEV for local use and PROD for production
AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME= "Enter azure account name"
AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY= "Enter azure access key"
- Add more admins to system
- Add/delete/modify tasks
- Change tasks pending variable
- Control comments and comment on tasks
- Add tasks to pending list
- Comment tasks
- Form pdf's from tasks for contests
https://www.draw.io/ Import from Trello -> Documentation -> Untitled Diagram.xml
MD-TO-PDF npm-package is used in this application for parsing tasks to pdf-form. It has been implemented straight to the back-end code as a folder instead of npm module. This has been chosen due to lack of programmatical modification for puppeteer launch options.
For this reason dependencies of md-to-pdf must be declared in back-end root package.json. When updating md-to-pdf it must be cloned from github and transferred to back-end.
To ensure that the whole application goes trough CircleCI pipeline md-to-pdf folder's tests must be deleted. Application has been found to function correctly in Heroku, with the following configurations:
- Heroku buildpack for puppeteer: https://github.com/jontewks/puppeteer-heroku-buildpack
- Navigate to md-to-pdf/dist/lib/config.js and declare following launch_options: { 'args': ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox']}
- Navigate to md-to-pdf/dist/index.js and comment out Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); (presumably on line 6)