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Security: party-for-illuminati/sapphire-paratime



Secure dApps: Recipes for Confidentiality


This page is an ongoing work in progress to support confidential smart contract development. At the moment we address safeguarding storage variable access patterns and provide best practices for more secure orderings of error checking to prevent leaking contract state.

Storage Access Patterns

You can use a tool such as hardhat-tracer to examine the base EVM state transitions under the hood.

npm install -D hardhat-tracer

and add hardhat-tracer to your config.ts file,

import "hardhat-tracer"

in order to test and show call traces.

npx hardhat test --vvv --opcodes SSTORE,SLOAD

You can also trace a particular transaction, once you know its hash.

npx hardhat trace --hash 0xTransactionHash

For both gas usage and confidentiality purposes, we recommend using non-unique data size. E.g. 64-byte value will still be distinct from a 128-byte value.

:::caution Inference based on access patterns

SSTORE keys from one transaction may be linked to SLOAD keys of another transaction.


Order of Operations

When handling errors, gas usage patterns not only can reveal the code path taken, but sometimes the balance of a user as well (in the case of a diligent attacker using binary search).

function transferFrom(address who, address to, uint amount)
  require( balances[who] >= amount );
  require( allowances[who][msg.sender] >= amount );
  // ...

Modifying the order of error checking can prevent the accidental disclosure of balance information in the example above.

function transferFrom(address who, address to, uint amount)
  require( allowances[who][msg.sender] >= amount );
  require( balances[who] >= amount );
  // ...

Gas Padding

To prevent leaking information about a particular transaction, Sapphire provides a precompile for dApp developers to pad the amount of gas used in a transaction.

contract GasExample {
  bytes32 tmp;

  function constantMath(bool doMath, uint128 padGasAmount) external {
    if (doMath) {
      bytes32 x;

      for (uint256 i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        x = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(x, tmp));

      tmp = x;


Both contract calls below should use the same amount of gas. Sapphire also provides the precompile to return the gas used by the current transaction.

await contract.constantMath(true, 100000);
await contract.constantMath(false, 100000);

There aren’t any published security advisories