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CHANGELOG for Shopware 5.4.x

This changelog references changes done in Shopware 5.4 patch versions.


View all changes from v5.4.5...v5.4.6


  • Added new mail template for Double-Opt-In used by blog article evaluations: sOPTINBLOGCOMMENT
  • Added sitemap.batchsize config option to configure the amount of collected products per process in the SitemapXMLRepository
  • Added logger.level config option, to define log level. Default in production is level ERROR
  • Added new option in backend to seperate Double-Opt-In for quick orderers from the normal registration, this includes:
    • New snippet RegisterInfoSuccessOptinAccountless
  • Added Cookie Modes technical and a strict
    • technical allows by default only technically required cookies, other cookies will be set after permission
    • strict does not allow to set cookies, until permissions are given
  • Added new method hasCookiesAllowed to the StateManager, to check that cookie permissions are given
  • Added new method removeCookie to Enlight_Controller_Response_ResponseHttp to remove specific cookie. Will be added to the interface Enlight_Controller_Response_Response in 5.5


  • Changed error behaviour of blog article evaluations when the Double-Opt-In confirmation link is invalid
  • Changed behaviour of the notification plugin, so that it will only notify the customer if the stock is at least as high as the minimal purchase amount
  • Changed SitemapXMLRepository to collect 10.000 products in batch, because of elastic search limitations
  • Changed VariantFilter to work with MariaDB
  • Changed error in language handling of mail templates
  • Changed listing filters to work on mobile devices
  • Changed listing controller to load custom templates on pages containing an emotion component
  • Changed Notification plugin behaviour to also be displayed if the minimal purchase is higher than stock
  • Changed "My orders" in account to also show when ESD is disabled
  • Changed EnlightMailHandler to only handle errors
  • Changed Shopware\Components\HttpCache\CacheWarmer to log 404 as notice
  • Changed Zend locales to match their names
  • Changed the english sOPTINREGISTER mail template
  • Changed range slider to fix rounding problems
  • Changed variant search to toggle join prices with hideNoInStock configuration
  • Changed Double-Opt-In setting for comments/ratings on products and blog articles to be off by default
  • Changed field remoteaddr in table s_statistics_pool to contain a hash instead of the real IP of a visitor


View all changes from v5.4.4...v5.4.5


  • Added anonymization of IP addresses, activated by default
  • Added new Smarty blocks to themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/account/sidebar.tpl:
    • frontend_account_menu_logout_onetimeaccount
    • frontend_account_menu_logout_onetimeaccount_link
    • frontend_account_menu_logout_onetimeaccount_link_text
    • frontend_account_menu_link_addresses_inHeader
    • frontend_account_menu_link_addresses_notInHeader
    • frontend_account_menu_link_overview_SltCookie
    • frontend_account_menu_link_overview_link
  • Added check to smarty block frontend_index_footer_column_newsletter_privacy to avoid double confirmation of privacy settings
  • Added Double-Opt-In for customer registration
    • Added new notify event, which will be thrown when awaiting Double-Opt-In confirmation: Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegister_Successful
    • Added two new filter events:
      • Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_RegisterService_DoubleOptIn_ConfirmationMail will be thrown before the confirmation Mail will be sent
      • Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Register_DoubleOptIn_ResendMail will be thrown before an new confirmation Mail will be sent
    • Added Cronjob, which deletes every registered but not verified user after a configurable amount of days
    • Added two new Smarty-Blocks in frontend/register/index.tpl: frontend_register_index_form_optin_success & frontend_register_index_form_optin_invalid_hash
  • Added new Cronjob OptinCleanup, which uses the interval-setting from Double-Opt-In register to cleanup every shopware opt-in from the s_core_optin table except Double-Opt-In register


  • Changed xml files in engine/Library/Zend/Locale/Data to be more up-to-date
  • Changed behaviour of account controller for onetime accounts, which now redirects to checkout
    • Changed account-sidebar window to only display a close guest session option
  • Changed error handling of missing blog articles or CMS pages, the configured setting in the backend is now respected
  • Changed the translation logic for config elements of types combo and select to consider translations other than for the non-standard en locale, but to instead try the user's locale, en_GB and en as fallbacks before resorting to the first defined (by array index) translation.
  • Changed behaviour of the Zend/Mail/Protocol classes according to the Zend upstream repository
    • the TLS protocol version used when sending E-Mails is not determined solely by the STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT constant anymore. If STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_2_CLIENT is available, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 are added to the usable protocol versions.
  • Changed some texts to fix its typos
  • Changed opt-in types: Every Shopware opt-in now saves a specific name into s_core_optin with the prefix sw
  • Changed Tinymce to fix a problem with image replacements


View all changes from v5.4.3...v5.4.4


  • Added newsletter registration check
  • Added Double-Opt-In information for newsletter registrations
    • Added database column double_optin_confirmed in s_campaigns_mailaddresses and s_campaigns_maildata
    • Added Opt-In confirmed column in backend recipients overview
  • Added debug logs to deprecated methods which will be removed in 5.5. The using of deprecated methods will create debug logs, if Shopware is not running in production mode.
  • Added possibility to config elements to override queryMode option
  • Added workaround for disabled localStorage in browser
  • Added the following arguments to notify event Shopware_CronJob_RefreshSeoIndex_CreateRewriteTable:
    • shopContext – The context of the shop being processed
    • cachedTime\DateTime instance used for the new entries
  • Added Smarty block frontend_register_back_to_shop_button to themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/register/index.tpl
  • Added Smarty blocks to themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/listing/actions/action-filter-facets.tpl:
    • frontend_listing_actions
    • frontend_listing_actions_facet
  • Added filter event TemplateMail_CreateMail_Available_Theme_Config to allow extension of theme variables made available to the mail templates
  • Added new configuration to set shopware store timeout and connection_timeout
  • Added JS, less and theme template files to md5 filecheck
  • Added OpenSans woff2-Files to responsive fonts
  • Added button to the customer backend module to unlock a locked customer


  • Changed Tinymce editor to resolve placeholder images on initialization
  • Changed product notification to match the documented feature
  • Changed AJAX search to respect the basic setting for direct number searches and show the same results as the normal search
  • Changed information of backend recipients overview
    • Double-Opt-In date is now Register date, which doesn't display the Double-Opt-In confirmation date anymore
  • Changed TemplateMail to work without shop context or shops without templates
  • Changed Symfony version to v2.8.41
  • Changed ReflectionHelper to work with Windows
  • Changed Unknown path Smarty error to work with Windows
  • Changed Shopware\Recovery\UpdateFilePermissionChanger to make it PHP 7 compatible
  • Changed manufacturerNumber field type in elasticsearch to improve search for manufacturer numbers
  • Changed default sorting of the customer list to the order of creation
  • Changed behaviour of closeout condition to work with product streams
  • Changed Font-Face settings to fix rendering if OpenSans is locally available
  • Changed following classes to use interface instead class as typehint
    • Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleDBAL\ConditionHandler\HeightConditionHandler
    • Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleDBAL\ConditionHandler\ImmediateDeliveryConditionHandler
    • Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleDBAL\ConditionHandler\LengthConditionHandler
    • Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleDBAL\ConditionHandler\WeightConditionHandler
    • Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleDBAL\FacetHandler\CategoryFacetHandler
    • Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleDBAL\FacetHandler\ImmediateDeliveryFacetHandler
    • Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleDBAL\FacetHandler\ProductDimensionsFacetHandler
    • Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleDBAL\ListingPriceSwitcher
  • Changed Media resource to fix a problem with file names set via API
  • Changed behaviour of unchecked ToS-checkbox in checkout to hint the missing input, especially on iOS
  • Changed privacy policy checkbox setting to automatically activate privacy policy text being displayed
  • Changed PluginManager rangeDownloadAction and extractAction to no longer use the provided URL parameters


View all changes from v5.4.2...v5.4.3


  • Added new events to Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Listing::listingCountAction to modify view variables before the template is fetched
    • Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Listing_fetchListing_preFetch
    • Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Listing_fetchPagination_preFetch
  • Added a new category for the basic setting containing privacy options
  • Added possibility to enable/disable data protection information texts
  • Added theme data to the mail context
  • Added cron job for deleting canceled orders
  • Added cron job for deleting accountless users


  • Changed input validation to fix possible authenticated SQLi vulnerability in the backend
  • Changed .htaccess file to prohibit download of .env files
  • Changed behaviour of media/temp files, which now will be deleted if they are uploaded
  • Changed "Send E-Mails" checkbox in batch processing window of order to be enabled by default again
  • Changed behaviour of inactive forms to act like any other missing page
  • Changed API behaviour on update, when the lastStock parameter is set for a product its applied to its mainDetail aswell (like on creation)
  • Changed newsletter recipient count to work correctly with customer streams
  • Changed position of several privacy options to a new basic setting category "Privacy"
  • Changed search indexer to make the keyword batch size configurable using the key search.indexer.batchsize in the config.php


  • Removed now empty "Cookie hint" basic setting category in backend


View all changes from v5.4.1...v5.4.2


  • Added possibility to enable/disable forms without having to delete them
  • Added pagination to the attribute filter of the product stream configurator
  • Added json attribute for snippets in Enlight_Components_Snippet_Resource
    • You may now set the attribute json='true' on smarty snippets, the content of the snippet will then be encoded via json_encode()
      • Example: {s json='true' name='foo'}é"'#-_*+`{/s} will render as "\u00e9\"'#-_*+`"
      • Safely constructing a JS object: { "someProp": {s json='true' name='your/snippet'}{/s} }


  • Changed password verification process for password protected actions in backend
  • Changed behaviour of search indexer to allow product attribute search
  • Changed hashing algorithm for product variant search join table aliases to prevent errors on 32bit systems
  • Changed SMTP password input type in base config from plaintext to password
  • Changed detail page behaviour with preselection variants which onsale-flag is active
  • Changed note counting to fix an error which displays 0 notes when adding the first note
  • Changed construction of ProductSearchResult-object to fix error in stream listing count


View all changes from v5.4.0...v5.4.1


  • Added new optional parameter $filterGroupIds to PropertyGatewayInterface.php for proper property sorting in a listing
  • Added variant filtering to selection product streams
  • Added queryMode option to select- and comboboxes in engine/Shopware/Controllers/Backend/Config.php
  • Added theme configuration information to newsletter templates
  • Added Smarty blocks to newsletter/index/index.tpl:
    • newsletter_index_start
    • newsletter_index_doctype
    • newsletter_index_html_attributes
    • newsletter_index_index_head
    • newsletter_index_body_attributes
    • newsletter_index_table
    • newsletter_index_table_inner
    • newsletter_index_table_inner_header
    • newsletter_index_table_inner_content
    • newsletter_index_table_inner_footer
    • newsletter_index_log
  • Added Smarty blocks to newsletter/index/footer.tpl:
    • newsletter_footer_table_upper
    • newsletter_footer_table_navigation
    • newsletter_footer_table_tax_notice
    • newsletter_footer_table_lower
    • newsletter_footer_table_lower_links
  • Added Smarty blocks to newsletter/index/header.tpl:
    • newsletter_header
    • newsletter_header_content
    • newsletter_header_content_logo
    • newsletter_header_content_title
  • Added view variable sCategoryContent to the listingCountAction of the controller Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Listing


  • Changed Smarty to improve error message when a template extends a parent template and said parent does not exist
  • Changed cloning of Enlight_Template_Manager object to preserve reference of the security policy to the instance
  • Changed newsletter logo from a static file to the active themes logo
  • Changed condition in sBasket::sGetAmountRestrictedArticles, it now also checks for an empty $articles array
  • Changed ImmediateDeliveryConditionHandler (DBAL and ES) and product indexing to improve variant filtering


  • Removed deprecated blocks frontend_detail_data_liveshopping and frontend_detail_data_price_info from frontend/detail/data.tpl


View all changes from v5.3.7...v5.4.0


  • Added database field s_articles_details.laststock to be able to define per variant if said variant is available when the stock is lower or equal to 0

  • Added lastStock field to \Shopware\Models\Article\Detail

  • Added database field garbage_collectable TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 1 to table s_media_album to define if an album is to be considered by the sw:media:cleanup command. The flag can be toggled in the album settings.

  • Added product box layout selection support for manufacturer listings

  • Added destroy method to swJumpToTab jQuery plugin

  • Added option to discard Less/Javascript files of extended themes. More information

  • Added multi-select feature when assigning variant configurations to product images

  • Added variant configuration information in the image information panel

  • Added DIC parameters:

    • shopware.release.version The version of the Shopware installation (e.g. '5.4.0')
    • shopware.release.version_text The version_text of the Shopware installation (e.g. 'RC1')
    • shopware.release.revision The revision of the Shopware installation (e.g. '20180081547')
  • Added new service in the DIC containing all parameters above

    • shopware.release A new struct of type \Shopware\Components\ShopwareReleaseStruct containing all parameters above
  • Added several paths to the DIC:

    • shopware.plugin_directories.projectplugins Path to project specific plugins, see Composer project
    • shopware.template.templatedir Path to the themes folder
    • Path to the root of your project
    • Path to the downloads folder
    • Path to the generated documents folder
    • shopware.web.webdir Path to the web folder
    • shopware.web.cachedir Path to the web-cache folder

    These paths are configurable in the config.php, see engine/Shopware/Configs/Default.php for defaults

  • Added all additional article columns to product import/export

  • Added backend config option logMailLevel to choose the minimum log level for sending e-mail notifications

  • Added snippet frontend/detail/data/DetailDataPriceInfo in ajax cart template

  • Added snippet frontend/detail/DetailCommentAnonymousName for anonymous product ratings

  • Added block frontend_checkout_ajax_cart_prices_info in frontend/checkout/ajax_cart.tpl

  • Added config preLoadStoredEntry to Shopware.form.field.PagingComboBox to be compatible with saving and loading entries from e.g. the second page.

  • Added order attributes to return values of OrderRepository::getDetails

  • Added option for batch updating plugins to plugin update command

  • Added defaults for ignored_url_parameters setting of HTTP cache in config.php. See Ignore some HTTP parameters for more information.

  • Added optional id parameter to getTemplatesAction in engine/Shopware/Controllers/Backend/Emotion.php to allow fetching of a single template

  • Added new filter event Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Emotion_Detail_Filter_Values to Shopware/Controllers/Backend/Emotion.php to allow manipulation of elements


  • Changed the event selectors to make them configurable in the swJumpToTab jQuery plugin
  • \Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\ProductSearchResult::__construct requires now the used Criteria and ShopContext object
  • Changed route to POST to be more HTTP compliant
  • Changed all writing actions to POST to be more HTTP compliant.
    • Checkout actions:
      • finish
    • Basket actions
      • addArticle
      • addAccessories
      • addPremium
      • changeQuantity
      • deleteArticle
      • setAddress
      • ajaxAddArticle
      • ajaxAddArticleCart
      • ajaxDeleteArticle
      • ajaxDeleteArticleCart
  • Changed JSONP requests to JSON in the following Frontend controllers:
    • Controller List
      • Frontend/AjaxSearch.php
      • Frontend/Checkout.php
      • Frontend/Compare.php
      • Frontend/Note.php
      • Widgets/Listing.php
  • Changed the paging in a listing so that using it while using the live filter reloading will now scroll to the top paging bar
  • Changed name field in product ratings to be optional
  • Changed loading of the themes/_private folder to be always executed
  • Changed the checkOrderStatus method in Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Order to only send e-mails when necessary
  • Changed themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/order/controller/batch.js to inform the user about configuration errors
  • Changed themes/Backend/ExtJs/backend/order/view/batch/form.js to allow for more precise form validation and better feedback to the user
  • Changed rounding of prices to two decimal digits in engine/Shopware/Bundle/StoreFrontBundle/Service/Core/PriceCalculator.php and engine/Shopware/Core/sArticles.php
  • Changed Mpdf version to 6.1.4 and added it to the autoloader, so a require() isn't necessary anymore
  • Changed Symfony version to 2.8.34


  • Removed config option for maximum number of category pages
  • Removed "Force http canonical url" setting in basic settings as it is obsolete
  • Removed config option template_security['enabled'] for toggling smarty security
  • Removed config option blogcategory and bloglimit
  • Removed the "Show more products" button beneath an emotion when the category itself has no products to be shown
  • Removed support for separate SSL host and SSL path. Also the Use SSL and Always SSL options were merged.
    • Removed database fields

      • s_core_shops.secure_host
      • s_core_shops.secure_base_path
      • s_core_shops.always_secure
    • Removed methods

      • \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Shop::setSecureHost
      • \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Shop::getSecureHost
      • \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Shop::setSecurePath
      • \Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Shop::getSecurePath
      • \Shopware\Components\Routing\Context::getSecureHost
      • \Shopware\Components\Routing\Context::setSecureHost
      • \Shopware\Components\Routing\Context::getSecureBaseUrl
      • \Shopware\Components\Routing\Context::setSecureBaseUrl
      • \Shopware\Components\Routing\Context::isAlwaysSecure
      • \Shopware\Components\Routing\Context::setAlwaysSecure
      • \Shopware\Models\Shop\Shop::getSecureHost
      • \Shopware\Models\Shop\Shop::setSecureHost
      • \Shopware\Models\Shop\Shop::getSecureBasePath
      • \Shopware\Models\Shop\Shop::setSecureBasePath
      • \Shopware\Models\Shop\Shop::getSecureBaseUrl
      • \Shopware\Models\Shop\Shop::setSecureBaseUrl
      • \Shopware\Models\Shop\Shop::getAlwaysSecure
      • \Shopware\Models\Shop\Shop::setAlwaysSecure
    • Changed methods

      • \Shopware\Components\Theme\PathResolver::formatPathToUrl The method signature no longer contains the isSecureRequest parameter


  • Deprecated forceSecure and sUseSSL smarty flags. They are now without function.
  • Deprecated constants Shopware::VERSION, Shopware::VERSION_TEXT and Shopware::REVISION, they will be removed in Shopware v5.6. This information can now be retrieved from the DIC.
    • New, alternative DIC parameters:
      • shopware.release.version The version of the Shopware installation (e.g. '5.4.0')
      • shopware.release.version_text The version_text of the Shopware installation (e.g. 'RC1')
      • shopware.release.revision The revision of the Shopware installation (e.g. '20180081547')
    • New, alternative DIC service:
      • shopware.release A new struct of type \Shopware\Components\ShopwareReleaseStruct containing all parameters above
  • Deprecated lastStock field in \Shopware\Models\Article\Article as the field has been moved to the variants. It will be removed in 6.0.
  • Deprecated laststock column in s_articles since this field has been moved to the variants. It will be removed in 6.0
  • Deprecated articleId column in s_articles_attributes table, it will be removed in Shopware version 5.5 as it isn't used anymore since version 5.2
  • Deprecated SEO support for the following AJAX routes, see themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/index/index.tpl:
    • /checkout/ajaxCart
    • /register/index
    • /checkout/addArticle
    • /widgets/Listing/ajaxListing
    • /checkout/ajaxAmount
    • /address/ajaxSelection
    • /address/ajaxEditor
  • Deprecated \Shopware\Models\Order\Document\Type, use \Shopware\Models\Document\Document instead. The old document type will be removed with 5.5.