jflex + cup
It's a simple language that allows to define relations. All relations return 0 or 1 as true or false. Relations names are always CAPITAL_LETTERS.
DEF: a RELATION b { a < b };
DEF: a BIGGER b { a > b };
Simple variables contain Integer, but as now, only logic operation are allowed such as
a is 0;
a is 3 RELATION 5;
Possible are operations on sets:
A is {1,2};
C is A + {3};
And there are two types of IF clause, one is standalone:
IF 1 -> { a is 1 }~{ b is a };
IF a REL b -> { a is 0 }~{ b is 1 };
and second is returning IF in relation:
DEF: a DD b { IF a < b -> { a==1 }~{ b==0 } };