Worskhop starting point for Parsing for Fun and Profit first run at Sheffield Ruby User Group in April 2013 and since re-run at MancJS in December 2013.
Fork and have a go!
bundle install
Underscore is available by default.
npm install -g mocha
npm install
mocha --watch spec
(Unfortunately there's no way to make mocha
watch .pegjs files in lib
Thanks to everyone who's published their solutions. If you'd like me to add your pair just let me know (or send a pull request modifying the readme).
- ianwhite – ianwhite/json_parser_workshop
- northerner – northerner/json_parser_workshop
- lukeroberts1990 – lukeroberts1990/json_parser_workshop
- jamgregory (who wins the "commit early, commit often" prize) – jamgregory/json_parser_workshop
- ultrafez – ultrafez/json_parser_workshop
- ant-nettleship – ant-nettleship/json_parser_workshop
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me at ash.moran@patchspace.co.uk.