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An Implementation of the Product Structure Theorem for Planar Graphs

An implementation of layered H-partitions, a.k.a, the Product Structure Theorem for planar graphs. This implements the algorithm described in arXiv:2004.02530. is a module that includes the tripod_partition class and is also a standalone command-line program.

The tripod_partition class

The useful thing for programmers is the tripod_partition class, whose constructor requires an embedding of a planar triangulation G with vertex set {0,..,n-1} and a list of three vertices outer_face that lists the vertices of some face in counterlockwise order.

The triangulation G must be described as a list succ of length n. The list entry succ[i] is a dictionary that maps each neighbour j of i onto the neighbour k of i that appears immediately after j when ordering the neighbours of i in counterclockwise order around i. Specifically, (i,j,k) is a triangular face of G. For any directed edge ij, succ[i][j] is the third vertex of the face to the left of ij.

If you have a standard adjacency list representation of G you can use the following function to convert it to the formatted needed by the tripod_partition constructor:

def al2succ(al):
    succ = list()
    for neighbours in al:
        for i in range(len(neighbours)):
            succ[-1][neighbours[i]] = neighbours[(i+1)%len(neighbours)]
    return succ

After constructing it, the tripod partition has several parts:

  • t: This is a BFS tree rooted at roots, stored in an adjacency list representation. This tree is represented as a list of length n. For each i in {0,...,n-1}, t[i] is the list of nodes adjacent to i beginning with the parent node, so t[i][0] is the parent of i in the BFS tree. The parent of each outer face node is -1, so t[j][0] = -1 for each j in outer_face.
  • tripods: This is a list of closed tripods. Each tripod tripods[t] is a list of 3 vertical paths in the BFS tree T called the legs of t. Each leg tripods[t][i] of each tripod contains a foot tripods[t][i][-1]. For each t>0 each each i in {1,2,3}, the foot tripods[t][i][-1] appears—not as a foot—in exactly one other tripod, so tripods[t][i][-1] is contained in tripods[p][j][:-1] for some (p,j). When this happens, p is called the parent tripod of t. The only exception is the root tripod tripods[0], for which tripods[0][i][-1]=-1 for each i in {0,1,2}. The open tripod t consists of the tripod t minus its three feet. The open tripods form a partition of the vertices of G, as do the legs of the open tripods; each vertex of G appears in exactly one leg of one open tripod.
  • tripod_map: This is a list of length n that maps each v vertex of G onto a triple (ti,l,j) where ti is the tripod that contains v, l is the leg that contains v and j is the location of v in this leg. So, if (ti,l,j) = tripod_map[v] then tripods[ti][l][j]=v.
  • tripod_tree: This is a list of length len(tripods) that encodes a 3-ary tree whose nodes are tripods. This tree has the property that tripods[i][j][:-1] (a vertical path in t) has no vertex adjacent to any open tripod in the subtree tripod_tree[i][j]. (Leg j of the tripod is separated from all tripods contained in subtree j.) A useful property of these tripods is that they are ordered by a preorder traversal of the tripod tree. If tripod a is an ancestor of tripod t, then this makes it possible to know, in constant-time, which of the three subtrees of a contains t.

Tree decompositions of quotient graphs

A tripod_partition induces two quotient graphs: The graph h3 is the graph obtained by contracting each open tripod. The graph h8 is the graph obtained by contracting each leg of each open tripod. The data members tripod_tree, tripods, and tripod_map can be used to obtain a width-3 tree-decomposition of h3 and a width-8 tree decomposition of h8. The tripod_partition class includes members functions for doing this:

  • h3parents(t): returns a list of (at most 3) tripods that are the parents of t in a width-3 tree decomposition of h3.
  • h8parents(t, i): returns a lsit of (at most 8) tripods that are the parents of leg i of tripod t in a width-8 tree decomposition of h8.

The numbering of tripods is such that p<t for each p in h3parents(t) and (p,j)<(t,i) for each (p,j) in h3parents(t,i). (Remember that Python does lexicographic comparison of tuples.)

Each of these functions runs in constant time, but if you intend to do a lot of work with these decompositions, it is worthwhile saving them using something like:

h3p = [ h3parents(t) for t in range(len(tp.tripods) ]
h8p = [ h8parents(t,i) for (t,i) in itertools.product(range(len(tp.tripods),range(3)) ]

(In the second case, h8parents(t,i)==h8p[3*t+i].)

Standalone program

The module can also be used as a standalone program that reads a triangulation from stdin and outputs a list of tripods to stdout.

The input represents a graph with vertex set 0,..,.n-1.

  • Line 0 of the input is f = 2*n - 4
  • Each of lines 1,...,f in the input is a triangular face The vertices of each triangular face must be listed in counterclockwise order

The output represents the closed tripods in a tripod partition.

  • Line 0 is the number k of tripods
  • Lines 3i-2, 3i-1, 3i are the legs of tripod i (for each i in {1,...,k}) Each leg of the tripod begins with a vertex of the Sperner triangle and ends at a vertex in one of the three parent tripods.

If f is of the form 2n - 5, instead of 2n - 4, then the program assumes that there is an additional face [0,1,2] or [2,1,0] that is missing and adds it. This makes it compatible with qhull. In particular, the following command line works:

rbox y 100 D2 | qhull d Qt i | python3

Unfortunately, this demo requires scipy.spatial (which uses qhull) for generating random Delaunay triangulations

./ -h
Computes a tripod decomposition of a Delaunay triangulation
Usage: ./ [-h] [-c] [-r] [-y] [-w] [-b] [-nv] <n>
  -h show this message
  -c use collinear points
  -y use random points in triangle
  -r use random points in disk (default)
  -w use O(n log n) time algorithm (default)
  -b use O(n^2) time algorithm (usually faster)
  -nv don't verify correctness of results
  <n> the number of points to use (default = 10)

If n < 500 then this program will show the result in a matplotlib window, producing pictures that look like this:

tripod decomposition tripod decomposition tripod decomposition

Run -h for a list of options


For more information on the Product Structure Theorem and the algorithm described here, see the following references:

  • arxiv:1904.04791 introduces the tripod decomposition and uses it to solve an old problem on planar graphs.
  • arxiv:1807.03683 introduces a slightly different tripod decomposition, on which the one described in the previous reference is based.
  • arxiv:2004.02530 describes the algorithm used in this implementation

The product structure theorem has been used to solve a number of problems on planar graphs, including queue number, nonrepetitive colouring, adjacency labelling, universal graphs, vertex ranking and p-centered colouring. You can probably find more on Google Scholar.

There are product structure theorems for generalizations of planar graphs, including bounded-genus and apex-minor-free graphs and k-planar graphs. Most of these ultimately rely on a subroutine computing the product structure of planar graphs like the one given in this implementation.