Made By- Harshit Patni
- Targets randomly drop from the top of screen.
- Some mirrors are placed in the path where laser rays can be reflected as per laws of reflection.
- The player can control the angle and vertical position and firing of the canon and gets points for shooting the target (blue bricks) (+1 for each).
- Any mistargeting would cost negative points(-1 for each).
- Once you shoot a laser ray, the canon takes one second to recharge, and then only you can shoot again.
- On the bottom of the screen there are two baskets to collect color specific bricks.
- Game is over if any of the black brick is collected in any of these two baskets.
- Game is also over if more than 20 red-green bricks are mistargeted.
- There is one special brick which when hit will award +5 points, also for next 15 seconds it makes laser non destroyable.
- (The quality of the gif had to be reduced to reduce its size)
- Tilt Cannon Upward = d
- Tilt Cannon Downward = a
- Move Cannon Up = s
- Move Cannon Down = d
- Increase falling bricks speed = m
- Decrease falling bricks speed = n
- Move Red Bucket = ctrl + right, ctrl + left / Drag with mouse
- Move Green Bucket = alt + right, alt + left / Drag with mouse
- Shoot = space / LMB
- Zoom = up, down / mousescroll
- Panning = right, left / RMB