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Minerva App

This is the repository for the backend of the Minerva App hacky project.
Maintainer: ALM (

The purpose of this api is to schedule tasks that will check available spaces at regular intervals for a McGill course.
If a space is found, it will send you an email notification.
This app significantly increases your chance of getting a space in the course you want...

You can try it out at:
The api used by the app is available at

!!! This repository is depreciated and has been moved to Gitlab !!!
-> The repository for the web frontend can also be found on Gitlab

Based on the original crappy python script ran with cron.
Later added a REST API using Falcon to manage tasks + scheduler with APScheduler.
Then refactored everything to make configurable and deployable app.
Then Dockerized the app.
Then refactored everything a couple extra times....

"Inspired" (a lot) by alexferl's falcon-boilerplate


To run Locally:

  • Clone the repo.
  • Install MongoDB (using brew) and have it running on localhost:27017 (default port) then,
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • In case you get a python thread crash:
echo 'export OBJC_DISABLE_INITIALIZE_FORK_SAFETY=YES' >> venv/bin/activate
  • To run app:

(use --help to see all configuration arguments)
API should be available on http://localhost:5000/


  • Create new user at POST http://localhost:5000/register with body:
	"email": "",
	"password": "your_password"
  • Use provided token in the Authorization header.

To create new Task:

  • POST request at http://localhost:5000/users/{{ user_id }}/tasks with a body of the form:
	"course": {
		"dept": "COMP",
		"code": "101",
		"crn": "12345",
		"term": "Winter2056"
	"email": ""

To run Dev:

(app running in local Docker container)

  • Pull and run mongo as a Docker container
docker pull mongo
docker run --detach --name mongodb mongo:latest
docker pull
  • OR build Docker image:
docker build -t api:1.0 .
  • Finally run container:
docker run -it --detach --publish 5000:5000 --link mongodb:mongodb --name api -e APP_ENV_NAME="DEV" api:1.0