All changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Version number changes (major.minor.micro) in this package denote the following:
- A micro version will increase if the only change in a release is incrementing micro versions (bugfix-only releases) on the packages contained in this image.
- A minor version will increase if one or more packages contained in the Docker image add new, backwards-compatible features, or if a new package is added to the Docker image.
- A major version will increase if there are any backwards-incompatible changes in any of the packages contained in this Docker image, or any other backwards-incompabile changes in the execution environment.
- Updated civis-r to 1.0.2 (minor)
- Updated R to 3.4.2 (minor)
- Added the public Civis API client (#13).
- Moved the base image to rocker/verse (#14).
- Updated the locale settings so that unicode works as expected (#11, #12).
- Added the Civis Python API client (#9).
- Initial Release