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IOOS' Coastal Modeling Cloud Sandbox provides a framework for developing, modifying and running models in the cloud. It provides repeatable configurations, model code and required libraries, input data and analysis of model outputs. The Sandbox supports not only the development of services and models, but also Cloud HPC to run and validate models.


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IOOS Cloud-Sandbox

The IOOS Cloud Sandbox is a platform for running regional coastal models in the cloud. The cloud resources are configured using Terraform and installs all dependencies necessary to run the models.

Deploying a New Sandbox


Install the AWS CLI:

Make sure the CLI is configured to use your AWS account:

Install the Terraform CLI:

Initialize Terraform

Terraform will create all of the AWS resources needed for the sandbox. This includes the VPC, subnet, security groups, EFS networked disk volumes, and others. AWS has a default limit of 5 VPCs per region. You will have to request a quota increase from AWS if you are already at your limit.

Clone this repository:
(e.g. using the default path ./Cloud-Sandbox)

git clone

Initialize S3 Resources for the Terraform Backend

Terraform tracks internal resource state separately from the project state. Cloud-Sandbox is configured to use a Terraform S3 backend for tracking resource state. These resources are created within the remote-state module.

Initialize the resources in the remote-state module (S3 bucket) by running the following commands in the Cloud-Sandbox/terraform/remote-state directory. Running the terraform apply command verbatim as follows will use the default bucket configuration as provided by s3.defaults.tfvars. Supply a different .tfvars file to override the defaults.

cd ./Cloud-Sandbox/terraform/remote-state
terraform init
terraform apply -var-file=s3.defaults.tfvars

The S3 bucket created in this step will then be used by the main Cloud-Sandbox project as the Terraform backend to store resource state. This only needs to be performed once per AWS account.

Initialize the Cloud-Sandbox project

Once the resources from the remote-state module are deployed you can initialize the main Cloud-Sandbox project. Run the following command:

cd ./Cloud-Sandbox/terraform
terraform init -backend-config=config.s3.tfbackend

The -backend-config parameter is used to provide the Availability Zone and S3 bucket name to use. A different .tfbackend config file can be provided if the defaults have been modified within the remote-state module.

If for some reason it is necessary to change from one S3 backend to another, the --reconfigure param can be used:

terraform init --reconfigure --backend-config=alternate.s3.tfbackend

Terraform Workspaces

If multiple users are deploying different Cloud Sandbox resources in the same AWS account, each user should create their own Terraform workspace:

terraform workspace new my_workspace

Alternatively, list and select an existing workspace:

terraform workspace list
terraform workspace select existing_workspace

For more info on workspaces, this is a good overview:

Generate a Key Pair

Terraform requires an existing key-pair to provide SSH access to the instance(s). The public key will be added to the created instance when it is created. Then the private key can be used to login it.

There are multiple ways to provide an acceptable key. You can use an existing key-pair that you have access to, or you can create a new one. There are two ways to create a new AWS EC2 key-pair, one using the AWS EC2 Console and the other using the AWS CLI.

Using the AWS EC2 Console:

Select "Key Pairs" under "Network & Security", then select "Create key pair" (see screenshot below). Save this private key someplace safe!

AWS Console

Using the AWS CLI:

aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name your-key-pair --query "KeyMaterial" --output text > your-key-pair.pem 

Optionally specify the AWS region:

aws --region="us-east-2" ec2 create-key-pair --key-name your-key-pair --query "KeyMaterial" --output text > your-key-pair.pem  

The private key file must have permissions that allows access only to you, e.g. if on Linux

chmod 600 your-key-pair.pem 

To obtain the public key from the private key:
You will need to cut and paste the key into the public_key variable mentioned below.

ssh-keygen -y -f your-key-pair.pem 

Configure Terraform

Edit the following file to specify custom values to use for the following:


Variable Value Description
allowed_ssh_cidr "your publicly visible IPv4 address/32" You can find your IP at
key_name "your-key-pair" The key pair generated in the prior step
public_key "ssh-rsa your_public_key" The public key obtained in the prior step. Must include "ssh-rsa", assuming it is an rsa key
vpc_id "vpc- your_vpc_id" The ID of an existing VPC for Terraform to use for deployment
subnet_id "subnet- your_subnet_id" The ID of an existing Subnet for Terraform to use for deployment

Optionally change these settings to override the defaults:

Variable Default value Description
preferred_region "us-east-1" The AWS region to use
name_tag "IOOS Cloud Sandbox Terraform" The "Name" tag for the instance
project_tag "IOOS-cloud-sandbox" The "Project" tag for the resources created
availability_zone "us-east-1a" The AWS Availability zone
instance_type "t3.medium" EC2 Instance type to use for setup
use_efa true Whether or not to use AWS Elastic Fabric Adapter

Run terrform plan to check for errors and see what resources will be created:

terraform plan -var-file="mysettings.tfvars"

Run terraform apply to create the AWS resources.

terraform apply -var-file="mysettings.tfvars"

Enter 'yes' to create the resources.


You may run into the following error if applying Terraform on an AWS account where several Cloud Sandbox instances have been created:

Error: error creating IAM Role (ioos_cloud_sandbox_terraform_role): EntityAlreadyExists: Role with name ioos_cloud_sandbox_terraform_role already exists.

To resolve a resource conflict, use terraform import to point terraform to the existing resource instead of creating a new one. For example, in this case ioos_cloud_sandbox_terraform_role already exists, so it can be associated to the role using the following command:

terraform import aws_iam_role.sandbox_iam_role ioos_cloud_sandbox_terraform_role

After resolving any existing resource conflicts, run terraform apply again.

Install all of the required software and libraries

This is done automatically in init_template.tpl

It takes about 45 minutes for the entire setup to complete,
and about another 10 minutes for the machine image/snapshot creation.
Wait a few minutes before logging in, it takes a minute or two for the instance to boot up.

Details about the created instance and how to login will be output when completed.

Output can also be viewed any time by running the following command from the ./terraform directory:

terraform output

Example output

instance_id = "i-01346de00e778f"
instance_public_dns = ""
instance_public_ip = ""
login_command = "ssh -i <path-to-key>/my-sandbox.pem centos@ec2-3-219-217-151.compute-1.amazonaws.

Log into the newly created EC2 instance. Watch the installation progress until installation is completed.

ssh -i my-sandbox.pem centos@ec2-3-219-217-151.compute-1.amazonaws
tail -f /tmp/setup.log

Output can be viewed any time by running the following command from the ./terraform directory:

terraform output

Create the AMI

This is done automatically. The AMI ID will be found at the end of the log at /tmp/setup.log It can also be found in the AWS console or via the AWS CLI. This AMI ID will be needed later.

Optional: After setting everything up, you can change the instance type to something smaller

Edit mysettings.tfvars and change the following:

Example: instance_type = "t3.micro"

Run terraform apply:

terraform apply -var-file="mysettings.tfvars"


When done using the sandbox all of the AWS resources (including disks) can be destroyed with the following command:

terraform destroy -var-file="mysettings.tfvars"

Recovering Terraform State

In case you've already deployed cloud resources but your local copy of Cloud Sandbox is destroyed or you work on multiple copies, you can restore the Terraform state from the remote S3 bucket by simply running terraform init again. If you were using a custom workspace, switch to that workspace with terraform workspace select. Once you run terraform plan you should see that no new resources need to be created.

Cloud-Sandbox Setup and User Guide

The following document contains some older instructions on building and running the models that is still valid.

Install and Run the Models

Install the NOS OFS ROMS and FVCOM models

Log into the sandbox using SSH and providing your SSL private key.

For example: ssh -i my-sandbox.pem centos@ec2-3-219-217-151.compute-1.amazonaws

Obtaian the NOSOFS 3.5 Source Code

cd /save/<your personal work folder>
git clone -b ioos-cloud nosofs-NCO
cd nosofs-NCO/sorc

### To build everything

The build scripts can be modified to only build specific models.

Obtain the Fixed Field Files

These files are too large to easily store on github and need to be obtained elsewhere. You can run the below script to download all of the fixed field files from the IOOS-cloud-sandbox S3 bucket. Edit the script to only download a subset.

mkdir -p /save/ioos/nosofs-NCO/fix
cd /save/ioos/nosofs-NCO/fix

Setup the run

CloudFlow API Specification

Run the following commands

cd /save/<your personal folder>/Cloud-Sandbox/cloudflow
python3 -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt

Directory structure

├── cloudflow            Python3 cloudflow sources
│   ├── cluster          Cluster abstract base class and implementations 
│   │   └── configs      cluster configuration files (JSON)
│   ├── job              Job abstract base class and implementations
│   │   ├── jobs         job configuration files (JSON)
│   │   └── templates    Ocean model input namelist templates
│   ├── notebooks
│   ├── plotting         plotting and mp4 routines
│   ├── services         Cloud agnostic interfaces and implementations e.g. S3
│   ├── tests            Misc. testing. (TODO: add unit testing)
│   ├── utils            Various utility functions, e.g. getTiling(totalCores), ndate(), etc.
│   └── workflows        Workflows and workflow tasks
│       └── scripts      BASH scripts for various tasks
├── docs                 Documentation
├── terraform    

Setup the machine configuration files for the forecast and/or post processing

Update the configuration files to match your particular cloud configuration. These correspond to the machine configuration used for the forecast and post processing flows.

Edit the following file: ./Cloud-Sandbox/cloudflow/cluster/configs/ioos.config

Key Description
platform the cloud provider being used. Current options are "AWS" or "Local" (runs on local machine)
region the AWS region to create your resources in
nodeType EC2 instance type to run the model on
nodeCount number of EC2 nodes to run model on
tags the tags to add to these resources, used for tracking usage
image_id the AMI ID that you got from setup.log
key_name the PEM key specified in mysettings.tfvars
sg_ids the security groups created by Terraform
subnet_id the subnet created by Terraform
placement_group the placement group created by Terraform. If multiple nodes are specified, all nodes will run in close proximity to each other.


"platform"  : "AWS",
"region"    : "us-east-1",
"nodeType"  : "c5.xlarge",
"nodeCount" : 2,
"tags"      : [ 
                { "Key": "Name", "Value": "IOOS-cloud-sandbox" },
                { "Key": "Project", "Value": "IOOS-cloud-sandbox" },
                { "Key": "NAME", "Value": "cbofs-fcst" }
"image_id"  : "ami-0c999999999999999",
"key_name"  : "your-pem-key",
"sg_ids"    : ["sg-00000000000000123", "sg-00000000000000345", "sg-00000000000000678"],
"subnet_id" : "subnet-09abc999999999999",
"placement_group" : "your-cluster-placement-group"

Copy the same values over for the post-processing. The nodeType and nodeCount may be different, but the other values should be the same.

Edit this file: ./Cloud-Sandbox/cloudflow/cluster/configs/post.config

The above machine configuration files are specified in the script. Feel free to rename them to whatever you want.

fcstconf = f'{curdir}/../cluster/configs/ioos.config'
postconf = f'{curdir}/../cluster/configs/post.config'

Setup the job configuration files

These files contain parameters for running the models. These are provided as command line arguments to


./Cloud-Sandbox/cloudflow/job/jobs/cbofs.00z.fcst (forecast)

./Cloud-Sandbox/cloudflow/job/jobs/cbofs.00z.plots (plots)

The variables are described below:

Variable Description
JOBTYPE current options are "forecast" and "plotting"
OFS name of the forecast. Current options are "cbofs", "dbofs", "liveocean"
CDATE run date, format YYYYMMDD or "today" = today's date
HH forecast cycle, e.g. 06 for 06z forecast cycle
COMROT common root path where output will be
EXEC not currently used
TIME_REF reference time of the tidal forcing data being used
BUCKET cloud storage bucket where output will be stored
BCKTFLDR cloud storage folder, key prefix
NTIMES number of timesteps to run this forecast
ININAME currently only used for liveocean, the path/name of the INI/restart file to use
OUTDIR model output directory. "auto" = automatically set this, based on CDATE, etc.
OCEANIN name of the file to use. "auto" = automatically create this based on a template
OCNINTMPL template file to use


  "JOBTYPE"   : "romsforecast",
  "OFS"       : "cbofs",
  "CDATE"     : "today",
  "HH"        : "00",
  "COMROT"    : "/com/nos",
  "EXEC"      : "",
  "TIME_REF"  : "20160101.0d0",
  "BUCKET"    : "ioos-cloud-sandbox",
  "BCKTFLDR"  : "/nos/cbofs/output",
  "NTIMES"    : "34560",
  "ININAME"   : "",
  "OUTDIR"    : "auto",
  "OCEANIN"   : "auto",
  "OCNINTMPL" : "auto"

Run the Job

The main entry point is: ./Cloud-Sandbox/cloudflow/workflows/

The job should be run from the cloudflow directory. To capture output, create an empty file first. Multiple jobs may be specified. To submit the job(s) and to optionally log to an output file and run as a background process:

cd ./Cloud-Sandbox/cloudflow
touch /tmp/workflowlog.txt
./workflows/ job/jobs/yourjob1 [job/jobs/yourjob2] 2>&1 /tmp/workflowlog.txt &

Note: job2 will only run if job1 finishes without error.

Cloud resources will be provisioned for you based on the configuration files modified earlier. The cloud resources will be automatically terminated when each flow ends, whether successfully or not.

The default output directory for NOSOFS is /ptmp while the forecast job is running. Results are copied to /com when the job is complete.

Additional Customization

  • To customize the flows see
  • To add any additional tasks, see
  • To add additional Job functionality or define new Job types, see the classes in the ./job folder.
  • To add additional Cluster functionality or define new Cluster implementations, see the classes in the ./cluster folder.
  • See the ./plotting folder for plotting jobs.

Copyright © 2023 RPS Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


IOOS' Coastal Modeling Cloud Sandbox provides a framework for developing, modifying and running models in the cloud. It provides repeatable configurations, model code and required libraries, input data and analysis of model outputs. The Sandbox supports not only the development of services and models, but also Cloud HPC to run and validate models.







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