Hello T5 Cube is a small OpenGL project to demonstrate using the Tilt Five system's native SDK.
no command - Render separate left and right images in two passes and submit them to T5
multiview - Render in a single pass using multiview and submit stereo images to T5 via texture array
multiview-copy Render in a single pass using multiview then copying texture array layers into left and right textures and submit the separare images to T5
debug - turn on GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT
Currently only Windows is supported. There is a Visual Studio solution for VS 2022 in the root directory. There is also a VS2019 solution in the vs2019 directory. The VS 2019 solution would need to be copied to the root to work.
- OpenGL 4.6
- glad2 OpenGL loading
- GLFW Window management and OpenGL context creation
- GLM Math library
- TiltFive Native SDK for the TiltFive Glasses
- Change build to CMake to allow porting to linux
- Add wand tracking
- Support multiple glasses
- Documentation
For reference it might be helpful to see how the t5 coordinate system is set up.