This document provides guidance for data handling; see also Operating Procedures.
Refer to the DustTrak user manual listed here.
Data files are stored to internal memory and may be retrieved with a USB flash memory card via the Data submenu. The files are written to a folder with the unit's serial number. The labels on each unit are:
Location | DustTrak unit |
stationary (release) site | #1, s/n 8530150710 |
mobile (monitoring) site | #2, s/n 8530152108 |
Refer to the CR1000 user manual listed here.
Data files are written to CompactFlash media. To safely retrieve the memory card:
- Locate the card holder on the right-hand side of the logger
- Press the large white Eject button
- Wait until the solid green light indicates all data is written to card
- Open the lid and press to eject
Use a USB memory card adapter to retrieve files from the memory card. Files are stored in a binary format ("TOB3") and must be converted to plain-text ("TOA5") using CardConvert. The CardConvert utility is included with all Campbell software packages, including the no-cost PC200W.
Refer to the CardConvert user documentation for file conversion instructions.
Recommended destination file options:
- File format: ASCII Table Data (TOA5)
- File Processing
- Use Filemarks
- Use Removemarks
- Use Time
- Convert Only New Data
- File Naming
- TimeDate Filenames
- Use Day of Year
- Create New Filenames
- Append to Last File
- TimeDate Filenames
- TOA5-TOB1 Format
- Store Record Numbers
- Store TimeStamp
- Midnight is 2400
Data files are in the "TOA5" format (Campbell Scientific), a multi-header comma-separated values file. If you use the excellent pandas Python library, try this:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('/path/to/data/file.dat',
index_col=0, # timestamps in first column
parse_dates=True, # iso8601
header=1, # 1st line metadata 2nd headers
skiprows=[2,3], # 3rd units 4th agg type
# Table 129 (p484) in CR1000 manual rev. 4/13/15
na_values=['NAN', -7999, 7999], keep_default_na=False)
You can also open files with Microsoft Excel™ and use Text-to-columns with a comma separator, but you'll probably want a real data reduction solution to process the 10hz data files.
Data is recorded in Pacific Daylight Time (Z-0700).
Column prefix | Instrument description |
csat3b_* | 3D ultrasonic anemometer (CSAT3B; Campbell Scientific) |
dusttrak2_* | Fine aerosol (PM2.5) monitor (DustTrak 8530; TSI) |
li840a_* | Carbon dioxide (CO2) analyzer (LI-840A; LICOR Biosciences) |
gps_* | GPS receiver (GPS16X-HVS; Garmin) |
m150wx_* | Compact weather station (T/RH/DP/P/WS/WD) with integral GPS (150WX; Airmar Technologies) |
These files can be identified by the text "CPU:tracer-stationary.cr1
" in the
first header line.
Primary data product (1/2).
- Table name: tsfast
- Record interval: 100 milliseconds
- Aggregation: none; real-time measurements from ultrasonic anemometer
Column name | Units | Description |
csat3b_Ux | m/s | wind vector streamwise component, into array |
csat3b_Uy | m/s | wind vector horizontal crosswise component |
csat3b_Uz | m/s | wind vector vertical component |
csat3b_sonicTemp | degC | ultrasonic (virtual) temperature |
csat3b_diag | arb | sensor diagnostic word |
Primary data product (2/2).
- Table name: tsdata
- Record interval: 1 second
- Aggregation: none; real-time measurements from CO2 analyzer & aerosol monitor
Column name | Units | Description |
dusttrak2_analog_pm | mg/m^3 | aerosol concentration |
li840a_CO2 | ppm | CO2 mixing ratio |
li840a_H2O | ppth | H2O mixing ratio |
li840a_analog_CO2 | ppm | CO2 mixing ratio (analog data) |
instant_WS | m/s | instantaneous horizontal wind speed |
instant_WD | degreesEofN | instantaneous wind direction |
Complete data records from all analyzers and the GPS, on a common time base.
- Table name: minutely
- Record interval: 1 minute (closed left, labeled right → 10:25:00-10:25:59 is labeled 10:26:00)
- Aggregation: either average (Avg), median (Med), minimum (Min) or point-sample
(Smp) as appropriate (see 4th header row)
- standard deviation of wind direction (
) is calculated using the Yamartino algorithm, which complies with EPA guidelines for use with straight-line Gaussian dispersion models to model plume transport (WindVector, CRBasic Program Reference for CR1000.Std.32. Campbell Scientific Inc.)
- standard deviation of wind direction (
Column name | Units | Description |
dusttrak2_analog_pm | mg/m^3 | aerosol concentration |
li840a_CO2 | ppm | CO2 mixing ratio |
li840a_H2O | ppth | H2O mixing ratio |
li840a_cell_T | degC | sample cell temperature |
li840a_cell_P | kPa | sample cell pressure |
li840a_dewpoint | degC | H2O dewpoint |
li840a_pwr_src | Vdc | power input |
gps_latitude_deg | degreesN | position latitude degrees component |
gps_latitude_min | minutesN | position latitude decimal minutes component |
gps_longitude_deg | degreesE | position longitude degrees component |
gps_longitude_min | minutesE | position longitude decimal minutes component |
gps_mag_variation | degreesEofN | position magnetic variation |
gps_ready | unitless | status indicator (10=ready) |
csat3b_boardTemp | degC | sonic internal temperature |
csat3b_boardHumidity | % | sonic internal humidity |
csat3b_inclinePitch | degrees | sonic pitch incline angle |
csat3b_inclineRoll | degrees | sonic roll incline angle |
csat3b_azimuth | degreesEofN | sonic orientation wrt north |
csat3b_wnd_spd | m/s | mean horizontal wind speed |
csat3b_unit_wnd_dir | degreesEofN | unit vector mean wind direction |
csat3b_std_wnd_dir | degrees | wind direction stdev (Yamartino algorithm) |
csat3b_Ux | m/s | wind vector streamwise component, into array |
csat3b_Uy | m/s | wind vector horizontal crosswise component |
csat3b_Uz | m/s | wind vector vertical component |
csat3b_sonicTemp | degC | ultrasonic (virtual) temperature |
csat3b_diag | arb | sensor diagnostic word |
li840a_analog_CO2 | ppm | CO2 mixing ratio (analog data) |
logger_panel_tmpr | degC | logger wiring panel temperature |
These files can be identified by the text "CPU:tracer-mobile.cr1
" in the
first header line.
Primary data product.
- Table name: tsdata
- Record interval: 1 second
- Aggregation: none
Column name | Units | Description |
dusttrak2_analog_pm | mg/m^3 | aerosol concentration |
li840a_CO2 | ppm | CO2 mixing ratio |
li840a_H2O | ppth | H2O mixing ratio |
m150wx_P | hPa | barometric pressure |
m150wx_T | degC | ambient temperature |
m150wx_RH | % | relative humidity |
m150wx_DP | degC | dewpoint |
m150wx_WS | m/s | wind speed |
m150wx_WD | degTN | degrees East of True North |
m150wx_WD_mag | degMN | degrees East of Magnetic North |
m150wx_latitude_deg | degreesN | position latitude degrees component |
m150wx_latitude_min | degreesN | position latitude minutes component |
m150wx_longitude_deg | degreesE | position longitude degrees component |
m150wx_longitude_min | degreesE | position longitude minutes component |
m150wx_mag_variaton | degEofTN | position magnetic variation |
m150wx_gps_mode | - | status indicator (see manual) |
li840a_analog_CO2 | ppm | CO2 mixing ratio (analog data) |
Complete data records from all analyzers and the GPS, on a common time base.
- Table name: minutely
- Record interval: 1 minute (closed left, labeled right → 10:25:00-10:25:59 is labeled 10:26:00)
- Aggregation: either average (Avg), median (Med) or point-sample (Smp) as appropriate (see 4th header row)
Column name | Units | Description |
dusttrak2_analog_pm | mg/m^3 | aerosol concentration |
li840a_CO2 | ppm | CO2 mixing ratio |
li840a_H2O | ppth | H2O mixing ratio |
li840a_cell_T | degC | sample cell temperature |
li840a_cell_P | kPa | sample cell pressure |
li840a_dewpoint | degC | H2O dewpoint |
li840a_pwr_src | Vdc | power input |
m150wx_P | hPa | barometric pressure |
m150wx_T | degC | ambient temperature |
m150wx_RH | % | relative humidity |
m150wx_DP | degC | dewpoint |
m150wx_WS | m/s | wind speed |
m150wx_WD | degTN | degrees East of True North |
m150wx_WD_mag | degMN | degrees East of Magnetic North |
li840a_analog_CO2 | ppm | CO2 mixing ratio (analog data) |
logger_panel_tmpr | degC | logger wiring panel temperature |