This program demonstrates a method of generating identifying hashes for each vertex in a potentially cyclic directed graph. Where possible, intermediate results are memoized. This means that we can improve performance in cases where a highly connected but acyclic path is encountered.
To read about the algorithm and see some examples of it at work, please visit the digraph-hash home page.
- CMake 3.10 or later
- A C++17 compiler. The code is tested with Xcode 9.3, GCC 9.2, and Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.
We need to first clone the source code and its git submodules from github. Next, we create a directory for the build. Running cmake with an optional argument to select a specific build system (“generator”) creates the build. This allows us to use the build system of our choice (Make, Ninja, Xcode, Visual Studio, and so on) to build the code.
git clone --recursive
cd digraph-hash
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ..
cmake --build build