This tool allows you to cast less variables into JSON key-value pairs. This is based on less-variables-to-json, for which maintenance stopped.
npm install cast-less-vars-to-json
yarn add cast-less-vars-to-json
Returns a Promise
const castLessVarsToJson = require('cast-less-vars-to-json');
// Standard usage
castLessVarsToJson("@primary-color: red;").then((result) => {
const json = result; // json = { "@primary-color": "red" }
// With a projection function to change the name
const nameProjectionFunc = (name) => name.substr(1);
castLessVarsToJson("@primary-color: red;", { nameProjectionFunc }).then((result) => {
const json = result; // json = { "primary-color": "red" }