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Dev Environment - Python Flask App API with MongoDB using Docker Compose.


This deploy was used for a humanitarian project by (JUS/UNWOMEN). This project permits that some people reporting sexual harassment on the public service in TIMOR-LESTE. We created a chatbot called ROSA.This Chatbot receives the complaints via API and saves it into a mongodb database for CRUD operations.

Checkout ROSA bot :

Required Software

The implementation uses Docker CE and Docker-compose: Compose is a tool for defining and running complex applications with Docker. With Compose, you define a multi-container application in a single file, then spin your application up in a single command which does everything that needs to be done to get it running.

To install it, please use my personal script (CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu) like this:

Hands-on Install

Install Docker CE:

Install Docker-compose :

After installing Docker and Docker-compose on your machine, you can go to the project main folder and type:

$docker-composer build

$docker-compose up

Docker-compose will build the containers necessary for your environment. Basically there will be two containers, one with Python, Flask and a few modules and another container with MongoDB bound to the first. The environment structure is as follow:

How to install

1 - Clone repo:

 git clone

2 - Build : (optional)

 $docker-compose build

3 - Start and debug:

 $docker-compose up

Start NGROK and API(optional)

After deploy, you can use or setup a NGROK -

This handy tool lets you set up a secure tunnel to your localhost, which is a fancy way of saying it opens access to your local API from the internet:

$./ngrok http 8080