UML generator for Java that actually works, in Rust.
This is still a work in progress. The objective of this project is to develop a generator that interprets and converts a Java project or file into an UML.
Because none of the existing UML generators I've seen seem to work properly (or at least the way I want them to).
Let's agree for a second... I know, we're all developers and this can be impossible sometimes but, hear me out on this one: Making UMLs is NOT FUN! It's so much manual work and takes so much time that could be used for coding.
As developers, we wan't to code, fail miserably for a lack of proper documentation and guidelines to follow and then debug everything until it works! (right guys?)
So that's where uml-gen-tw comes into play, you can code everything and then let uml-gen-tw take care of that boring UML that your manager (superior, instructor, professor) asks you to make.
That's perfect, right?
Yeah, I know. However, I'm currently way busier than when I started this project, so if you want to see it done you'll have to wait or PR :)
- Parser / interpreter
- Proof of Concept
- Project / multi file
- Relations
- Inheritance
- ...idk
- Other languages maybe...?