The latest untagged master branch can be obtained at
- Requires PEAK 1.3.
- Fix ROI calculation.
- New records to indicate whether Theta X/Y angles are supported by the current lens mode.
- New records to set focal positions.
- New records for the live spectrum.
- Use proxy URIs for instrument servers when client and server run on different hosts for PEAK 1.3.
- The driver port now has two addresses. Final image update is on addr=0 and live image update on addr=1.
- Improve settings when EnergyMode=Binding.
- Adapt to PEAK Call UnsubscribeAllForObserver on startup to remove possible orphan notifications.
- Add WebSocket JSON-RPC implementation based on websocketpp and asio. websocketpp 0.8.2 and asio 1.18.2 are checked in by source.
- Code refactor to separate JSON-RPC client interface.
- Call AdjustSpectrumDefinition to validate spectrum definition.
- First release.
- HTTP JSON-RPC client.