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AXI Stream to JTAG Core

This package implements a component which drives a JTAG port from data send over an AXI Stream. This is very useful if you want remote access to Xilinx ILAs without using the FPGA's hardware JTAG pins. Instead, the ILA is controlled from a JTAG controller in the fabric which can be remote-controlled in many different ways.


Xilinx Vivado ILAs are accessed over JTAG but in many cases using a physical JTAG connection is impractical. Recent versions of Vivado support the Xilinx "virtual cable" protocol XVC which is very simple and permits remote access to embedded ILA cores.

It is now possible to use this package with ISE/ChipScope as well if you are working with older devices.

However, the protocol and its current support in Vivado has several drawbacks

  • Fully synchronous, i.e., the reply to one request must be received before the next one is sent.
  • TCP based. This makes an in-firmware implementation cumbersome and more resource-intensive.
  • The AXI <-> JTAG bridge which is available as an IP in Vivado is inefficient and requires AXI. In some use cases the AXI interface is already "owned" by an application and a second master to be used by XVC is not available.

For the Impatient (Vivado/SLAC)

If you need to use ISE on older devices then please skip this section.

  1. Add the AxisJtagDebugBridge module to your design; hook up to an AXI Stream. This should probably be a UDP server. Note that there are two VHDL 'architectures' of this module ('entity') - a stub (AxisJtagDebugBridgeStub) and the true implementation: AxisJtagDebugBridgeImpl. The stub will be used by default by Vivado so you have to explicitly specify the AxisJtagDebugBridgeImpl architecture for instantiation.

  2. Unless you are using the full SURF library from SLAC you have to instantiate a vivado "debug bride" IP in "From JTAG to BSCAN" mode. This should be named DebugBridgeJtag to match the instantiation in the AxisJtagDebugBridge wrapper.

  3. Add ILA cores; under Vivado-2016.04 these must be added to the hdl and cannot be added to an already synthesized design!

  4. Compile and install the xvcSrv program on a machine that is directly connected to FW.

  5. Start xvcSrv (udp_server_port is where the AXI Stream is connected)

    xvcSrv -t <fw_ip_address>:<udp_server_port>

    If you are not using the SLAC SURF infrastructure then you might need a different driver (-D) and target (-t) spec.

  6. In Vivado connect to the target:

    open_hw_target -xvc_url <xvc_server_ip>:2542


A whole stack of soft- and firmware components are involved:


  • vivado hardware manager GUI interacts with the xilinx hw_server daemon.

  • xilinx hw_server daemon talks to different 'cable drivers'. In case of XVC this is the 'virtual cable' driver which uses a TCP connection to communicate with a peer.

  • xvcSrv software which is provided by this package. This server handles the XVC protocol on a TCP socket and communicates with firmware entities which drive the JTAG lines. xvcSrv usually runs on the target system, i.e., hardware which is closely coupled with the target FPGA.

  • xvcSrv driver modules handle the specific firmware interface. There are e.g., modules for

    • UDP communication (SLAC proprietary protocol stack)
    • FIFO with AXILite interface for ZYNQ
    • FIFO with TMEM interface for PSI's IFC board
    • Xilinx Vivado AXI Debug Bridge IP (you can create one of these in vivado).

    It is fairly straight-forward to implement your own driver module for your specific firmware-interface if necessary. Example/skeleton code is provided (


The firmware stack mirrors the software stack:

  • A communication module interacts with the software upstream and features a downstream AXI-Stream interface. For architectures with a bus interface this module typically implements a FIFO which can be driven from the bus on one side and which has an AXI-Stream interface on the other side.

    Bus-interface modules are available for AXILite/Zynq and TMEM.

    In case of the SLAC UDP protocol stack the protocol routes a particular UDP port to an AXI-Stream interface.

  • The AxisToJtag entity converts messages from the AXI-Stream interface into JTAG transactions.

  • A vivado debug_bridge IP. You must instantiate one of these in "From JTAG to BSCAN" mode and connect the JTAG pins to the AxisToJtag entity. If you name this bridge DebugBridgeJtag then you can directly use the AxisJtagDebugBridge wrapper which wires a AxisToJtag entity to the debug bridge. When instantiating this wrapper then you must specify the desired architecture (stub vs. true debug bridge, see below).

  • Vivado ILA IPs. Vivado automatically connects those to the debug bridge.

You probably should make sure that you have no "hard" debug-bridge (which is driven by the hardware JTAG pins) in your design.

Design Goals

The package addresses the aforementioned issues:

  • Use a simple AXI Stream for communication. Unlike a register-based approach this permits processing of larger messages which improves throughput.

    In our enviroment where registers are accessed via ethernet the Vivado bundled IP is particularly inefficient as for every 32 bits of JTAG data there must be multiple register writes and reads, each of which requires a network transaction.

  • The firmware can be configured to enable a memory buffer. This buffer is used to support unreliable transport media (such as UDP). Each message is sent to the firmware tagged with a "transaction ID". If no reply arrives the same message (with the same ID) is re-sent. The firmware, upon receiving a new ID drives JTAG, remembers the transaction ID and stores the TDO vector in the buffer while sending it back. If firmware receives the same ID again (supposedly because the reply was lost) it does not execute the JTAG vectors again but "plays back" the stored TDO data from memory (JTAG transactions are not idempotent).

  • The firmware core can easily be hooked to a separate UDP server port which allows orthogonal access to JTAG with minimal FPGA resource overhead.

Note that the firmware does not directly implement the XVC protocol (since that would require in-firmware TCP support) but a slightly modified variant which is documented below. Instead, there is a software program which operates as an XVC server and acts as a bridge to the firmware. Different transport methods can be employed for communication between firm-and software:

| Xilinx hw_server | <--- XVC / TCP --> | xvcSrv SW | <- transport -> | AxisToJtag FW |

Examples for transport methods are UDP or an AXI/AXIS Fifo on a Zynq platform.

It is imperative that the xvcSrv software be as tightly coupled to the AXI Stream as possible for sake of optimal throughput.

Other Uses

While the most common use case may be establishing connectivity to a Xilinx debug hub the package is not restricted to this use case -- it is suitable as a general-purpose JTAG controller.

Firmware Configuration and Use

There are two top-level wrappers AxisToJtag and AxisJtagDebugBridge which support the same generics and the same streaming interface. For convenience the latter variant already instantiates a JTAG to BSCAN IP and connects to its JTAG port.


There are two VHDL architectures of the AxisJtagDebugBridge entity: AxisJtagDebugBridgeStub and AxisJtagDebugBridgeImpl. While the latter provides the real implementation described in this document the stub only implements the QUERY command and replies with a ERR_NOT_PRESENT_C error, thus informing a software client that firmware support is not implemented.

The stub appears after the full implementation in the source code so that it is picked by default by the synthesis tool if AxisJtagDebugBridge is instanitated without specifying an architecture. Therefore, the user has to explicitly request the AxisJtagDebugBridgeImpl architecture.

The purpose of the stub is allowing a design to unconditionally provide the upstream components but optionally use either the stub or the real implementation for sake of saving resources or avoiding the limitations (see below) associated with the JTAG to BSCAN IP.


AXIS_FREQ_G  : real
AXIS_WIDTH_G : positive range 4 to 16
CLK_DIV2_G   : positive
MEM_DEPTH_G  : natural range 0 to 65535
MEM_STYLE_G  : string
  • AXIS_FREQ_G: The value of the clock frequency (in Hz). This information is used to communicate the JTAG TCK period back to the XVC protocol.

  • AXIS_WIDTH_G: The width (in bytes) of the AXI Stream. Note that this affects the format of the data that the xvcSrv software must supply (see section about stream format).

  • CLK_DIV2_G: Clock divider for generating TCK. The value defines the length of a TCK half-period. I.e., the frequency is the AXI Stream clock divided by twice CLK_DIV2_G.

    Note: TCK is "bit-banged", i.e., not generated by a true clock source -- however, inspection of the circuit the vivado AXI<->BSCAN IP implements reveals that they use the same approach -- even though the BSCAN module does not sample TCK but drive register clocks directly from it. A question has been filed with Xilinx but no answer has been received to date.

  • MEM_DEPTH_G: how many words (of size AXIS_WIDTH_G) of TDO data to store (in order to support unreliable transport). This limits the maximum message size that can be processed at once. If the transport between the XVC server and FW is reliable then MEM_DEPTH_G may be set to zero (no memory).

  • MEM_STYLE_G: memory type (block- vs. distributed RAM) to use for the buffer memory. Valid choices are: "auto", "block" or "distributed" (defaults to "auto").


There are standard clock/reset as well as AXI Stream signals.

Software (xvcSrv)

The xvcSrv software must be installed and executed on a machine with connectivity to the firmware. The basic options for execution are:

xvcSrv [-D transport_driver] -t <target> [ -- <driver_options> ]

where <target> is a string that passes information to the transport driver how to reach the firmware target. In case of the "udp" transport (which is the default) target is a <ip_addr>:<udp_port> string, thus, e.g.,

xvcSrv -t

The local TCP port is 2542 by default but can be changed with the -p option.

Other Options:

-h             : program prints basic usage information to the console.
-v             : print protocol parameter info (retrieved from target).
                 Multiple 'v' can be given to increase debugging verbosity.
-D <driver>    : use/load transport driver <driver>. E.g., `/path/`.
-p <port>      : TCP port where to listen for XVC connections.
-M             : Max XVC vectors size. This defines the max. block size
                 to be used on the TCP side (it is beneficial to let this
                 be big!).
                 The block size between the driver and the target may well
                 be smaller (and xvcSrv will break transactions accordingly)
                 due to limits in the transport (e.g., UDP/ethernet MTU) or
                 firmware memory. However, if xvcSrv is tightly coupled
                 to the target then using large blocks on TCP is desirable
                 in order to mitigate TCP round-trip times.
--             : Delimiter; any options (and args) after '--' are passed to
                 and interpreted by the transport driver.

Transport drivers

Other transport drivers can be easily implemented and compiled into shared objects which can then be loaded. As an example there is the file which supports a custom AXI Stream FIFO but illustrates what needs to be done. The xvcDriver.h header gives more information about implementing a driver.

If you have a driver, e.g., then you can start the server

xvcSrv -D ./ -t my_driver_info

UDP Transport Driver

The UDP Transport driver is built-in and used by default. The target string must be of the form (udp port 2542 is used by default):


The driver recognizes the following options (given to xvcSrv after --)

-m <mtu>       : Limit UDP datagrams to less than <mtu> octets. By default
                 the program tries to guess the MTU size but in some cases
                 it might be necessary to override this default.

                 Note that xvcSrv sets the DF (dont-fragment) bit on the
                 UDP connection, so that UDP datagrams are never broken up.
                 (firmware does not support IP defragmentation AFAIK.)
-f             : Disable DF; i.e., allow IP fragmentation.

TMEM Transport Driver

This driver supports a Tmem2BscanWrapper somewhere in the TOSCA2 memory map. The target string must identify the TOSCA2 address-space and offset where the firmware registers can be found:



-t USER2:0x200000

The driver recognizes the following options (given to xvcSrv after --)

-i <irq_file>  : name of a device-file that interfaces to the interrupt
                 generated by the firmware. If this option is not used
                 then the driver operates in polled mode.


-i /dev/toscauserevents1.13

Vivado Notes

Connecting Vivado Hardware Manager to the XVC Server

From vivado (e.g., tcl console in the hardware manager) a connection to the xvcSrv can be established with

open_hw_target -xvc_url <xvcSrvHost>:2542

If the port xvcSrv binds to was changed (with -p) then the port passed to open_hw_target must be changed accordingly.

Note: When using an ssh tunnel (or another kind of WAN connection) then it seems to be better to run a hw_server close to the target, i.e., the machine where xvcSrv runs. This gives better response than connecting from far away to the XVC server directly. E.g.,:

bash$  ssh -tt -L3121:localhost:3121 gateway_host hw_server

and in Vivado you proceed as usual, i.e., connect to the default server (which is now visible at tcp port 3121) and open a xvc target:

%open_hw_server -url     localhost:3121
%open_hw_target -xvc_url <xvcSrvHost>:2542

Limitation of ILA Design Flow in Vivado 2016.04

When trying to add ILAs to a synthesized design (e.g., via tcl create_debug_core)

Vivado% create_debug_core ila_test ila
ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: This design contains a
debug_bridge IP configured in either 'From_AXI_to_BSCAN' or
'From_JTAG_to_BSCAN' mode. Debug insertion is not currently supported
for such designs. Please use the debug instantiation flow. 

Therefore, under 2016.04 you can only use XVC when instantiating ILAs into your hdl code.

A basic test under 2017.03 indicated that this limitation has been removed.

Unfortunately, however, even under 2017.03 and 2017.04 it is not possible to add debug ports to ILAs added by create_debug_core -- the old error message appears -- and you are limited to a single port (the width of which you can change just fine).

Since the ILA with a single port works just fine we believe the restriction to a single port to be a simple bug (failure to remove an obsolete check). Contact the authors for more information.

Xilinx ISE Notes

Firmware Stack

ISE lacks the debug bridge IP and automatic ILA connection feature of Vivado. In ISE an ILA IP has a control port which must be driven from a JTAG interface.

To that end you have to instantiate a xilinx ICON IP with a BSCAN interface. When creating the IP core from the GUI select Disable Boundary Scan Component Instance. This will result in an ICON with a BSCAN as well as a control port. The BSCAN port is what we want to drive with our "soft JTAG" stack. If the checkbox is un-checked then the ICON is wired to the hardware JTAG controller and not accessible from software (unless we'd connect a hardware cable but then you would not be reading this).

The last missing piece is the Jtag2Bscan entity which drives the BSCAN port from JTAG. Thus, under ISE you have a firmware stack:

  • bus/Axi-Stream interface (e.g., Axis2TmemFifo)
  • Axi-Stream to JTAG (AxisToJtag)
  • JTAG to BSCAN (Jtag2Bscan)
  • BSCAN to ILA control port (Xilinx ICON core with external BSCAN interface)
  • ILA with control port

The Jtag2Bscan module emulates a xilinx BSCANE2 component and TAP controller (I got valuable inspiration from bscan_equiv.v). While the author seems to get away with emulating a Spartan device (which boils down to supplying the correct IDCODE and using the correct IR length) I found that ChipScope would not find the ILAs on our Virtex6 devices unless I let the TAP controller emulate a Virtex6. I mention this here in case anyone ever uses the code on a different device: you may need to change the relevant generics...

Connecting ChipScope

Note that you have to use ChipScope -- the Vivado hardware-manager does not recognize the ICON/ILA when driven with this package (but Vivado works fine when using a vivado design that uses the vivado debug bridge as described above).

  1. Start xvcSrv on the target system.

  2. In ChipScope's JTAG Chain menu (on the host system), select Open Plugin

  3. Enter Plug-in Parameters:

    xilinx_xvc HOST=<host_ip>:2542 disableversioncheck=true

    substitute your target system's <host_ip>, of course. BTW: Since XVC uses TCP you can very conveniently use ssh tunnels and forwarded ports between the ChipScope host and the target system.

  4. Another pop-up appears and after you click 'Ok' you are in business.

ISE-14.7 Note

I had problems generating the ICON (v1.06a) and ILA (v1.05a) cores which consistently would produce an error. Googling around reveals that this is not uncommon. The work-around is to enable the "All IP Versions" checkbox and use the previous version (ICON v1.05a and ILA v1.04a, respectively, worked for me). It seems this problem is due to java installation issues - YMMV.

PSI Note

For the IFC board there is a Tmem2BscanWrapper wrapper which glues all the pieces together and which can be hooked to any place in TUSER memory.

E.g., if you connect Tmem2BscanWrapper to the CS2 window of TUSER2 at offset 0x00000000 then you can start xvcSrv on the IFC board:

xvcSrv -D tmem -t USER2:0x200000

If the interrupt line is hooked up, e.g., to USER1 interrupt 13 then you can use irq-driven mode:

xvcSrv -D tmem -t USER2:0x200000 -- -i /dev/toscauserevents1.13


Stream Format

The format of the JTAG vectors in the AXI stream deviates from the XVC layout because the original layout is not well-suited for streaming as XVC transmits the TMS and TDI vectors one after the other whereas they have to be driven onto the JTAG lines in parallel. For streaming we use the following format:

header_word [ , payload ]

where the payload depends on the type of transaction that is executed. All words are in little-endian, i.e., LSbits are transmitted/received first (on JTAG).

The 32 least-significant bits of the header are defined; it is left-padded so that the payload is always word aligned. The word size depends on the configuration of the core (AXIS_WIDTH_G).


The incoming Stream consists of consecutive words of AXIS_WIDTH_G bytes, must be framed with TLAST and is expected to have the aforementioned format :

Header_Word [, Payload ]

The header word is defined as

[31:30]  Protocol Version -- currently "00"
[29:28]  Command
[27:00]  Command-specific parameter(s)

Note that if the core is configured for a stream width (AXIS_WIDTH_G) > 4 then the header is padded up to the desired width, i.e., the paylod must be word-aligned.

Each command word is answered with a reply word on the outgoing stream (see below).

The following commands are currently defined:

"00"  QUERY: request basic features such as word length, memory depth.

      Payload: NONE, i.e., TLAST should be asserted with this command.

"01"  JTAG: shift jtag vectors. The vectors are shipped in the payload.
      The parameter bits for this command are defined as follows:

      [27:20] Transaction ID; this is used when the core is configured
              with MEM_DEPTH_G > 0 in order to support a non-reliable
      [19:00] JTAG vector length (in bits). The payload must provide
              2*ceil( length / AXIS_WIDTH_G ) words of TMS/TDI vector
              data. I.e., the length refers to the length of a single
              TMS or TDI vector.
               NOTE: the number in [19:00] encodes the actual number
                     minus 1. E.g., a value of 0 transmits one TMS
                     and one TDI bit. Two payload words are expected
                     in this example.

      Payload: sequence of words from the TMS and TDI bit-vectors:

              TMS_WORD, TDI_WORD, TMS_WORD, TDI_WORD, ...

              Note that the user must format the stream accordingly
              and therefore must be aware of the stream width. This
              parameter is returned by the QUERY command.

              If the number of bits supplied does not fill the last
              word then the relevant bits must be lsb/right-aligned
              in the last word.

              TLAST must be asserted during the transmission of the
              last TDI/payload word.


The outgoing stream consists of consecutive words of AXIS_WIDTH_G bytes and is framed with TLAST. Each reply has the following format:

 Header Word [, Payload ]

The header word is defined as

[31:30]  Protocol Version; if the user supplies an unsupported protocol
         version in the request header then the reply contains an error
         code (see below) and the protocol version in the reply is set
         to the supported version.

[29:28]  Command -- the request command is returned unless an error occurred;
         in case of an error the command bits in the reply are:

         "10"  ERROR: An error was detected. The 8 least-significant bits
               [7:0] contain an error code:
                  1: bad protocol version; the protocol version in the reply
                     is set to the supported version.
                  2: bad/unsupported command code
                  3: truncated input stream (TLAST detected before the
                     first TDI word was received). Note that a premature
                     TLAST which is detected after the first TDI word
                     does NOT flag an error but yields a truncated reply
                     (less TDO words than requested by the number of bits).
                  4: 'debug bridge not present' error. I.e., the FW only
                     implements a stub and no true debug bridge.

         "00"  QUERY: the response to a QUERY command encodes information
                     in the command-specific bits:

             [ 3: 0] AXIS_WIDTH_G - 1. I.e., this field encodes the
                     word size (minus one) used by the core. This information
                     is important for formatting the stream.
             [19: 4] MEM_DEPTH_G. Indicates how much memory (if any) was
                     configured in words.
             [27:20] TCK period. Encoded as

                                      200Mhz     1
                        round{ log10( ------- ) --- 256 }
                                       Ttck      4

                    With the special value 0 representing 'unknown'.

        "01"  JTAG: the response to a JTAG command is a sequence of
              TDO words which form the TDO bit vector. The vector
              stored in little-endian format (first bit of the vector
              is the LSB of the first TDO word).
              If the number of JTAG bits does not fill the last TDO
              word completely then the relevant bits are right-


If the transport mechanism contains unreliable segments with a potential for data loss then a simple retry mechanism is not suitable because JTAG operations are not necessarily idempotent. The core can be configured to use internal memory (MEM_DEPTH_C > 0) in which case it stores the last JTAG TDO response in memory. When the next JTAG command arrives the core inspects the 'transaction ID' field of the command and if it is identical with the ID submitted along with the previous transaction then the core detects a retried operation and does not actually execute it again on JTAG but plays back the stored TDO response to the requestor.


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