A simple library that helps Android developers to execute JavaScript code from Android native side easily without using Webview.
The easiest way to add the library to your project is by adding it as a dependency to your build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation "io.github.pavel-corsaghin:androidjs:${release_version}""
- Usage library with plain javascript code:
// Load plain script
val plainScript = "var js_obj = {add: function(a,b) { return a+b; }, multiply: function(a,b) { return a*b; }};"
// Execute function and get result
val add = JsExecutor.execute("js_obj.add", 1, 2) //3
val multiply = JsExecutor.execute("js_obj.multiply", 4, 5) //20
- Load a js bundle and execute functions
// Load js bundle file
JsExecutor.loadJsBundle(this, "JsModule/dist/jsBundle.js")
// Get simple message
val message = JsExecutor.execute("JsModule.getMessage") //This is message from Javascript side
// Execute function and get result
val logStr = JsExecutor.execute("JsModule.MathJs.log", 10000, 10) //4
- Get custom kotlin object
// Primitive types
val logDouble = JsExecutor.executeToGetObject<Double>("JsModule.MathJs.log", 1000, 10) //2.999
// Custom object
val inputPoint = Point(3.4, 5.2)
val outputPoint = JsExecutor.executeToGetObject<Point>(
// Define Point class
data class Point(val lat: Double, val lon: Double)
All contributions are welcomed. Please create your PR and send to me.