I have uploaded assignments of this course. This course was offered in the 5th semester of graduation.
Here are the MATLAB codes for various numerical methods of computations.
Illustrated some methods for finding the roots of a function:
- Bisection
- Fixed point
- False position
- Newton Raphson
- Secant
- Muller
- Bairstow
Method for finding the solution some system of linear equation and finding the eiganvalues and Inverse of a matrix
- Gauss elimination
- Gauss jordon
- Thomas
- Dolittle
- Crout
- Cholesky
- QR method
Least square regression and Interpolation and polynomial fitting
- Least Square
- Langrange polynomial
- Newton's Interpolation
- Spline
- Linear
- Quardratic
- Natural
- Not-a-knot
- Periodic
- Clamped
Ordinary Differential Equation and solving Initial Value Problem(IVP) and Boundary Value Problem(BVP)
- Eular Forward
- Eular Backward
- Trapezoidal
- Adam Bashforth
- Adam Moulton
- Backward Difference Formulation(BDF)
- Runge Kutta
- Solving BVP
- 2nd Order Backward Difference
- 2nd Order Central Difference with Ghost Node