This simple NodeJS API is responsible for receiving data and sending it to the configured smart contract address. The API is configured to work with the Almacena AuditLog.sol contract.
The API exposes a single endpoint with a GET and POST request at /api/v1/logs: The API works with a single data interface - EventsData
GET - used to retrieve an EventsData object from the blockchain by passing a messageID or transactionHash as path variables. For example:
On valid request the responce is:
messageID: string; messageHash: string; fileHash: string; dealID: string; timestamp: string; transactionHash: string; //Only visible when calling with messageID
POST - used to write an EventsData object to the blockchain, following the EventsData interface, in the request body
Example request body:
{ "messageID":"7", "messageHash":"exampleMessageHash", "dealID": "DealIDHash", "fileHash": "FileHash" }
You can simply build and run the API by running the following commands:
docker build -t eventsapi .
After the image has been build successfully, you can run it as a container with passing the following env variables: PRIVATE_KEY - your wallet's private key CONTRACT_ADDRESS - the contract'address RPC_URL - the RPC_URL of the blockchain where the contract is deployed (Polygon MainNet, Mumbai Testnet, etc)
An example command:
If the container starts properly, you should see Server is listening on port 3000 On the console