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all scripts using in building a species tree of Maesa

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all scripts using in building a species tree of Maesa (Primulaceae s.l.) Pirada Sumanon, April 2021

0. Working directories

The analyses were performed mainly on GenomeDK cluster. All programs/softwares used in the pipeline that cannot be installed by conda need to be installed at root (~) All data are stored in a project folder /faststorage/project/Maesa

  • data: directory for raw data with renamed files and also alignments after manual edited (this directory is backed up)
    • raw
    • edited_alignments
  • scripts: all scripts used (this directory is backed up)
  • steps: input and output in each step of the pipeline
    • essential: all txt files that needed in the analysis (e.g. outgroups.txt)
    • input_rawreads: raw reads copied from ../data
    • fastqc: contains 2 subdirectories for the results for raw reads (fastqc_raw) and trimmed reads (fastqc_trimmed) (NOTE: I run fastqc on Linospadix & my own computer, so this directory is not exist on GenomeDK.)
    • trimmed: trimmed reads
    • hybpiper: all about hybpiper *Target file needs to be at ~/target
    • coverage: output of coverage trimming
    • seq_sets2: sequence sets after coverage trimming and length filtering
    • MAFFT: all related to sequence alignments
    • optrimal_prepare: files before optrimal
    • optrimal_ready: files ready for optrimal and also outputs from optrimal
    • alignments_for_editing: trimmed alignments for manaul editing
    • alignments_edited: alignments after manual editing, plus a subdirectory noempty for alignments that remove empty sequences (_noempty.fasta) and also alignments without outgroup sequences (_noOG.fasta)
    • addOGexons: alignments which exon outgroups were added to. These OGexonadded alignments are ready for further analysis.
    • iqtree_prepare: clean alignments (no exon1 and exon2) and partition files, and a subdirectory containing a set of 10 MLtrees for each alignments for RogueNaRok.
    • RNR: everything produced during RNR to detect and prune rogue taxa plus pruned alignments
    • prelim_iqtree: first gene trees from IQ-Tree before Treeshrink
    • treeshrink: for TreeShrink analysis
    • alignments_edited_2nd: already checked for long branches and edited alignments for final tree building
    • finaltree: final gene trees from IQ-tree and species tree from ASTRAL

1. Quality Control and Read Trimming

Start at the Global Working Directory (main directory with subproject and scripts; in my case, it's /faststorage/project/Maesa) Execute for running fastqc on raw reads, trimming raw reads with trimmomatic and running fastqc on trimmed reads

  • fastqc outputs stored in fastqc, inspect the .html outputs for read quality of each sample
  • trimmomatic outputs (trimmed reads) stored in trimmed

2. HybPiper

2.1 Mapping reads to genes

by executing from Global Working Directory (/faststorage/project/Maesa, in my case)

2.2 Getting statistical summary

run from within hybpiper directory by executing this script uses and of HybPiper and will produce 2 output files - seq_lengths.txt for producing a heatmanp in R - stats.txt for summary

2.3 Retrieving sequences for exons, introns and supercontigs

by running from within hybpiper directory, For, I used instead of the one from release version. (mossmatters/HybPiper#41).

2.4 Extracting paralogs

Run, then create paralog_genelist.txt and execute

To create a paralog genelist, use the file obtained from previous step/copy the output printed on screen while running, remove all the information from it except for the gene name. Example: '2 paralogs written for Gene001' changes to 'Gene001'. Then delete any duplicated lines. In some text editor, go to "Text->Process Duplicated Lines". One gene per line.

For more detail on paralogs:

3. Coverage trimming and length filtering

This part follows Wolf Eiserhardt's scripts for Dypsidinae_species_tree. In a global working directory, run This script will execute then Output: the new gene fasta files with coverage trimming will be saved in seq_sets2 and ready for alignment.

4. Alignment

4.1 Sequence alignment using MAFFT

From GWD, run The aligned sequences will be stored in MAFFT/alignedseq.

4.2 Mapping exons to alignments

This step creates new alignments that contain the original alignments plus the exon sequences of the two species that had the highest recovery success at each locus. Using written by Wolf Eiserhardt. The outputs will be stored in MAFFT/alignments_exon.

5. Gap trimming

5.1 preparation

  • prepare alignments by executing, the alignments ready for optrimal will be stored in optrimal_ready.
  • In optrimal_ready, generate cutoff_trim.txt with desired -gt values to be tested (one value per line, the values must included 0 and 1). For example:

5.2 optrimAL

run from GWD. This script implemented and optrimAL.R written by Shee, Zhi Qiang (

Note: optrimAL.R was modified at the last line to NOT discard alignments with data loss exceeding 30%.

The last part of the script will copy the trimmed alignments to alignments_for_editing. Then, it will filter paralog loci out and move them to paralogs subdirectory.

Note: some alignments may contain empty sequences, but we will deal with this issue after finish manual editing.

6. Manual editing

Each alignment needs to cleaned manually in an alignment editor program (i.e. AliView).

  • copy the directory alignments_for_editing to a place of your choice
  • after making all neccessary edits, save the edited version of all alignments to alignments_edited
  • If alignments are found to be overall wrong or doubtful (e.g. paralogs/chimeric sequences), move these alignments to alignments_bad and excluded from further analysis.

7. Tree building

7.1 Preparation

From GWD, run This script will perform as followed:

  • remove empty sequences from alignments using
  • remove outgroup sequences and add outgroup exons instead. outgroup sequences used in our analysis (Ardisia) look weird for intron regions, so we decided to remove outgroup sequences and added only outgroup exons for the analysis. To do that, the script use removeOG.pyand
  • generate partition files and remove exon sequences (exon1 and exon2) from the alignments using

7.2 Detection of Rogue Taxa

Based on low branch supports in our preliminary tree, we thought that it was severly affected from rogue taxa. Thus, we decided to implemented RogueNaRok algorithm ( to detect and prune those taxa out. To do that, we have to:

  • generate a set of ML trees: we go for 10 trees using executed within iqtree_prepare directory the files that ready for RNR will be store in RNR directory
  • In RNR, run which produces rogue-pruned alignments

7.3 Add outgroups back to the pruned alignments

RNR may remove outgroup sequences in some alignments, we need to add them back by running

7.4 Preliminary run IQ-Tree

run to get gene trees.

7.5 TreeShrink

from GWD, execute followed by, this will print a report of long branches detected by TreeShrink in report.txt in treeshrink directory. Use it to check the alignments in 2nd manual editing.

7.6 Manual editing alignments: 2nd round

A quick check of the alignments (now stored in steps/prelim_iqtree/done in AliView based on the result from TreeShrink, remove/edit sequences either appropriate. May use gene trees generated from 7.4 as a guideline. The edited alignments from this step should be stored in alignments_edited_2nd

8. Final Tree Building

8.1 IQ-Tree for gene trees

execute from GWD, this script will

  • remove some problematic samples and repetitive samples (IMPORTANT: prepare a list of samples in blacklists.txt, same line seperated by space)
#example format of blacklists.txt

sample1 sample99 sample124
  • copy input files to finaltree directory for working
  • perform IQ-tree

8.2 ASTRAL for species tree

run which check outgroups, root gene trees, collapse low support branches, build species tree and annotate tree. I set to collapse branch that has BS<=10 and <30, so will get 2 sets of outputs. Choose the one that has higher resolution.

Then for fullannotation files (genetrees_bs30_astralfull_annot.tre or genetrees_bs10_astralfull_annot.tre), open it in TextEditor and





And at some branches, there might be NaN, So replace:


With: \1

save the file as "genetrees_bs30_astral_EN.tre" or "genetrees_bs10_astral_EN.tre"

9. Tree Visualization


all scripts using in building a species tree of Maesa






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