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ZMK Cheat Sheet

Key Codes

Each key's codes are above page.

xx(code) adds modifier key to the code. They can be comined. &kp LC(RA(B)) = Ctrl+Alt+b.

Modifier functions

  • LS(code) : Left Shift
  • RS(code) : Right Shift
  • LC(code) : Left Control
  • RC(code) : Right Control
  • LA(code) : Left Alt
  • RA(code) : Right Alt
  • LG(code) : Left GUI (Windows / Command / Meta)
  • RG(code) : Right GUI (Windows / Command / Meta)


&kp key

press the key.

&mo layer

momentary activate specified layer.

&to layer

Enable the layer and the default layer, and disable all other layers. (maybe it for &trans behavior).

&tog layer

Enable the layer until the layer is disabled.

&kt key

toggle the key hold or released.

&sk key

Stick the key till next key pressed.

&sl layer

Stick the layer till next key pressed.

The devicetree document is here.


Pass down to the next active layer in the stack.


No behavior.


Capitalize till stop key pressed. stop key is not alphabet and continue-list.

The devicetree document is here.


Repeats the last key.

The devicetree document is here.

    conditional_layers {
        compatible = "zmk,conditional-layers";
        tri_layer {
            if-layers = <1 2>;
            then-layer = <3>;

If some multiple layers are enabled (in above example, 1 and 2), the then-layer (3) will be enabled.

Hold-Tap related

Advanced Mod-Tap and Layer-Tap.

released within tapping-term-ms, sends tap key. hold after the time, sends (holds) the hold key.

    behaviors {
        key: name {
            compatible = "zmk,behavior-hold-tap";
            label = "LABEL";
            #binding-cells = <2>;
            tapping-term-ms = <200>;
            quick-tap-ms = <0>;
            flavor = "flavor";
            bindings = <hold>, <tap>;

flavor in (hold-preferred, balanced, tap-preferred, tap-unless-interrupted) <hold>, <tap> is behavior like <&kp>, <&mo>.

The devicetree document is here.

&mt modkey tapkey

hold to send modkey, tap to send tapkey.

This behavior equals the Hold-tap "hold-preferred" with (hold = key press(&kp), tap = key press(&kp)).

    behaviors {
        mt_impl: mod-tap-by-hold-tap {
            compatible = "zmk,behavior-hold-tap";
            label = "MOD_TAP_BY_HOLD_TAP";
            #binding-cells = <2>;
            tapping-term-ms = <200>;
            quick-tap-ms = <0>;
            flavor = "hold-preferred";
            bindings = <&kp>, <&kp>;

    // &mt modkey tapkey = &mt_impl modkey tapkey
&lt layer key

tap sends the key, holds activate the layer.

This behavior equals the Hold-tap "tap-preferred" with (hold = momentary layer(&mo), tap = key press(&kp)).

    behaviors {
        lt_impl: layer-tap-by-hold-tap {
            compatible = "zmk,behavior-hold-tap";
            label = "LAYER_TAP_BY_HOLD_TAP";
            #binding-cells = <2>;
            tapping-term-ms = <200>;
            quick-tap-ms = <0>;
            flavor = "tap-preferred";
            bindings = <&mo>, <&kp>;

    // &lt layer key = &lt_impl layer key

Other definitions

    behaviors {
        key: name {
            compatible = "zmk,behavior-mod-morph";
            label = "LABEL";
            #binding-cells = <0>;
            bindings = <without mod behavior>, <with mod behavior>;
            mods = <(MOD_LGUI|MOD_LSFT|MOD_RGUI|MOD_RSFT)>;
            keep-mods = <(MOD_LSFT)>;

with MOD_* sends with mod behavior, without MOD_* sends the without mod behavior.


keep-mods' MOD_* will be keep holding with behavior.

The devicetree document is here.

    behaviors {
        td0: tap_dance_0 {
            compatible = "zmk,behavior-tap-dance";
            label = "TAP_DANCE_0";
            #binding-cells = <0>;
            tapping-term-ms = <200>;
            bindings = <&kp N1>, <&kp N2>, <&kp N3>;

Change behavior by the count of tap.

The devicetree document is here.

    macros {
        zed_em_kay: zed_em_kay {
            label = "ZM_zed_em_kay";
            compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro";
            #binding-cells = <0>;
                = <&macro_press &kp LSHFT>
                , <&macro_tap &kp Z &kp M &kp K>
                , <&macro_release &kp LSHFT>


The devicetree document is here.

Hardware or firmware related


Reset with current flashed firmware. (like restart)


Reset to flash new firmware.

&bt BT_*
  • BT_CLR : clear current connection info
  • BT_NXT : switch to the next profile
  • BT_PRV : switch to the previous profile
  • BT_SEL number : switch to the 0-index number profile
&out OUT_*
  • OUT_USB : prefer use usb
  • OUT_BLE : prefer use bluetooth low energy
  • OUT_TOG : toggle above
&rgb_ug RGB_*


&bl BL_*


&ext_power EP_*


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