This game was developed during the first semester of the Software Engineering degree @ University of Minho. The full process of development was evaluated and established the final grade for the "Laboratórios de Informática I" subject.
The project consisted of recreating the game Crossy Road, with the freedom to add features and completely change the graphical appearance, which was, in this case, fully design by us.
It was fully developed in Haskell and consisted of 6 tasks:
Verify if a given map is valid;
Generate a random map;
Move the player on the map;
Determines when the game ends;
Make the game slide;
Build all the graphical part of the game.
Firstly, install Haskell Platform (GHC and Cabal). To do so, follow the instructions for your specific system at:
Finally, since the graphical interface of the game was developed using the Gloss library, you'll need to install it:
$ cabal update
$ cabal install --lib gloss
$ git clone
$ cd Crossy-Road-Plus/src
$ ghc Main.hs
$ cd ..
$ ./src/Main
You can open the interpreter Haskell (GHCi) using the cabal or directly.
- Using
$ cabal repl
- Using
$ ghci -i="src" -i="tests" src/Main.hs
You can generate documentation with the Haddock.
- Using
$ cabal haddock --haddock-all
- Using directly
$ haddock -h -o doc/html src/*.hs
In case you get a mpv error, you'll need to install it (since It was used to play audio inside the game). Follow the instructions here:
- A104082 Pedro Figueiredo Pereira;
- A104096 Jorge Ubaldo Rodrigues Ferreira;