Destiny is a donation tracker for speedruns/gaming charity events.
To start developing install dependencies, start DB docker and set environment variables
# install dependencies
# start docker db
docker-compose up db
# start redis
docker-compose up redis
# set env file
cp .env.example .env
Then start development server
yarn start:dev
# if you want to run with debug
yarn start:dev:debug
If it's all good you should see the following output
🚀 Listening on port 3333
🔉 Listening Streamlabs
Server now should be listening at http://localhost:3333
(or .env port you set)
All server Services should be tested. To run tests run yarn test
You can build everything with yarn build
and deploy wherever you want
If you want to use Docker you can build the Dockerfile
or run docker-compose.yml
# running with docker-compose.yml
docker-compose build app
docker-compose up -d # this will also start db service :)
+-- src
| +-- @types # server types
| +-- config # general configuration
| +-- modules # server modules by domain
| +-- donations [module] # donation module (or every other module)
| +-- dtos # Data transfer objects interface definition
| +-- infra # Any 3rd party implementation
| +-- repositories # Interface daclaration for object repositories
| +-- fakes # Fake repositories (test purpose)
| +-- services # Buissness logic implementation
| +-- shared # server shared modules by domain
| +-- bootstrap.ts # server startup