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Pega Docker Image

Pega Platform is a distributed web application for customer engagement, customer service, and digital process automation. A Pega deployment consists of a number of containers connecting to a Database and any other required backing services. The Pega database contains business rule logic that must be preloaded with an installer for the containers to successfully start. For more information and instructions on how to get started with a container based deployment of Pega, see Pega's Cloud Choice documentation.

Docker Image Build Docker Image

Using this image

This ready Docker image extends a customized Tomcat base image pegasystems/tomcat:9-jdk11 and contains required components that allow you to run a Pega Platform on your deployment nodes. It does not include Pega Platform rules. This image is web-ready for clients to build a final image that includes the Pega .war file of your choice.

Pega offers an alterative, full image which includes the .war file - for details, see pegasystems/pega on DockerHub. Docker images provided by Pegasystems are validated and supported by Pega Support.

Image customizations

If you do not want to use the Pega-provided Docker image, you can copy this repository and build your own image based on your preferred base image such as one enforced by a corporate standard. When making customizations for your environment, check the Pega Platform Support Guide Resources to verify that those changes are supported by your Pega Platform version. If you choose to build your own image, Pega will continue to offer support for Pega Platform, but problems that arise from your custom image are not the responsibility of Pegasystems.

User access and control considerations for this image

Pega provides this web-ready Docker image with built-in user privileges - pegauser:pegauser (9001:9001) which allows you to set default, limited user access policies, so file system access can be controlled by non-root users who deploy the image. The image only provides required file access to pegauser:pegauser. When you build your pega deployment Docker image from this web-ready, you should consider adding any user access and control restrictions within the image such as required roles ot priveleges for file or directory access and ownership.

Building a deployable Docker image using this web-ready image

For clients who need to build their own deployment image, Pega recommends building your Pega image using your own Dockerfile with contents similar to the example below and specifying the .war file from the Pega distribution kit. You may also specify a database driver as shown in the example. It is a best practice to build this image on a Linux system to retain proper file permissions. Replace the source paths with the actual paths to the Pega Infinity software libraries and specify a valid JDBC driver for your target database to bake it in.

To build the Pega image on JDK 11, use pegasystems/pega-ready:3-jdk11 as the base image. To build the Pega image on JDK 17, use pegasystems/pega-ready:3-jdk17 as the base image. Currently, the latest tag points to the Pega image on JDK 17, but it may point to later versions in the future, so as a best practice, use tags that specify the version you want to deploy.

FROM busybox AS builder

# Expand prweb to target directory
COPY /path/to/prweb.war /prweb.war
RUN mkdir prweb
RUN unzip -q -o prweb.war -d /prweb

# Building the Pega image on JDK 11. To use images on JDK 17, use the tag 3-jdk17.
FROM pegasystems/pega-ready:3-jdk11 

# Copy prweb to tomcat webapps directory
COPY --chown=pegauser:root --from=builder /prweb ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/prweb

RUN chmod -R g+rw   ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/prweb

# Make a jdbc driver available to tomcat applications
COPY --chown=pegauser:root /path/to/jdbcdriver.jar ${CATALINA_HOME}/lib/

RUN chmod g+rw ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/prweb/WEB-INF/classes/prconfig.xml
RUN chmod g+rw ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/prweb/WEB-INF/classes/prlog4j2.xml

Build the image using the following command:

docker build -t pega-tomcat .

Since this image uses a secure base image, it doesn't include all the packages in the environment. Therefore use the multi-stage docker build to include only unzipped packages in the final image to reduce the risk of vulnerabilities. Upon successful completion of the above command, you will have a Docker image that is registered in your local registry named pega-tomcat:latest, which you can view using the docker images command.

Running the image

You must use an orchestration tool to run Pega applications using containers. Pega provides support for deployments on Kubernetes using either Helm charts or direct yaml files. You can find the source code for the deployment scripts in the pega-helm-charts repository. For information about deploying Pega Platform on a client managed cloud, see the Cloud Choice community article.

Mount points

Mount points are used to link a directory within the Docker container to a durable location on a filesystem. For complete information, see the Docker documentation, bind mounts.

Mount point Purpose
/opt/pega/kafkadata Used to persist Kafka data when you run stream nodes.
/heapdumps Used as the default output directory when you generate a heapdump.
/search_index Used to persist a search index when the node hosts searched.

Environment variables

You customize your docker image by overriding environmental variables using the -e Docker flag.

$ docker run -e "var_1=foo" -e "var_2=bar" <image name>[:tags]

Database connection

Specify your required settings for your connection to the database where Pega will be installed.

Name Purpose Default
JDBC_DRIVER_URI Download (curl) the specified database driver. If you do not specify a driver to download, you must embed the driver into your Docker image. See Constructing Your Image for more information on baking a driver in.
JDBC_URL Specify the JDBC url to connect to your database.
JDBC_CLASS Specify the JDBC driver class to use for your database. org.postgresql.Driver
DB_USERNAME Specify the username to connect to your database.
DB_PASSWORD Specify the password to connect to your database.
RULES_SCHEMA Specify the rules schema for your database. rules
DATA_SCHEMA Specify the data schema for your database. data
CUSTOMERDATA_SCHEMA If configured in your database, set the customer data schema for your database. If you do not provide a value, this setting defaults to dataSchema.

Secured Custom artifactory settings used for downloading JDBC driver

If you use a secured custom artifactory to manager your JDBC driver, provide the basic authentication credentials or the API key authentication details to satisfy your custom artifactory authentication mechanism.

Name Purpose Default
CUSTOM_ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME Custom artifactory basic authentication username.
CUSTOM_ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD Custom artifactory basic authentication password.
CUSTOM_ARTIFACTORY_APIKEY_HEADER Custom artifactory dedicated APIKey authentication header name.
CUSTOM_ARTIFACTORY_APIKEY Custom artifactory APIKey value for APIKey authentication.
ENABLE_CUSTOM_ARTIFACTORY_SSL_VERIFICATION Sets ssl verification when downloading JDBC driver using curl from custom artifactory. false

JDBC connection examples

See the following examples for specifying the database and type of driver used for your connection.





Microsoft SQL Server


For a complete list of supported relational databases, see the Pega Platform Support Guide.

Advanced JDBC configuration

You can specify a variety settings for your connection to the database where Pega will be installed.

Name Purpose Default
JDBC_MAX_ACTIVE The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this pool at the same time. 75
JDBC_MIN_IDLE The minimum number of established connections that should be kept in the pool at all times. 3
JDBC_MAX_IDLE The maximum number of connections that should be kept in the pool at all times. 25
JDBC_MAX_WAIT The number of milliseconds that the database connection pool will wait (when there are no available connections) for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception. 10000
JDBC_INITIAL_SIZE The initial number of database connections that are created when the pool is started. 0
JDBC_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES The database connection pool properties that deploying sends to the JDBC driver when creating new database connections. Format of the string must be [propertyName=property;]*
JDBC_TIME_BETWEEN_EVICTIONS The number of milliseconds to sleep between runs of the idle connection validation/cleaner thread. 30000
JDBC_MIN_EVICTABLE_IDLE_TIME The number of milliseconds that an object is allowed to sit idle in the database connection pool before it is eligible for eviction. 60000

Pega customization

You can specify a variety settings for nodes in your deployment.

Name Purpose Default
NODE_TYPE Specify a node type or classification to specialize the processing within this container. for more information, see Node types for on-premises environments.
PEGA_DIAGNOSTIC_USER Set a Pega diagnostic username to download log files.
PEGA_DIAGNOSTIC_PASSWORD Set a secure Pega diagnostic username to download log files.
NODE_TIER Specify the display name of the tier to which you logically associate this node.

Customize the Tomcat runtime

You can specify a variety settings for the Tomcat server running in your deployment.

Name Purpose Default
PEGA_APP_CONTEXT_PATH The application context path that Tomcat uses to direct traffic to the Pega application prweb
PEGA_DEPLOYMENT_DIR The location of the Pega app deployment /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/prweb
JAVA_OPTS Specify any additional parameters that should be appended to the java command.
INITIAL_HEAP Specify the initial size (Xms) of the java heap. 2048m
MAX_HEAP Specify the maximum size (Xmx) of the java heap. 4096m
HEAP_DUMP_PATH Specify a location for a heap dump using XX:HeapDumpPath /heapdumps

Cassandra settings

For Pega Platform deployments running Pega Decisioning, you must specify how to connect to your organization's existing Cassandra service by using parameters to manage the connection to the service.

Name Purpose Default
CASSANDRA_CLUSTER Enable a connection to your organization's Cassandra service. false
CASSANDRA_NODES Specify A comma separated list of hosts in your Cassandra service cluster (for example,,
CASSANDRA_PORT Specify the TCP port to connect to your Cassandra service cluster. 9042
CASSANDRA_USERNAME Specify the plain text username for authentication with your Cassandra service cluster. For better security, avoid plain text usernames and leave this parameter blank; then include the username in an external secrets manager with the key CASSANDRA_USERNAME.
CASSANDRA_PASSWORD Specify the plain text password for authentication with your Cassandra service cluster. For better security, avoid plain text passwords and leave this parameter blank; then include the password in an external secrets manager with the key CASSANDRA_PASSWORD.
CASSANDRA_CLIENT_ENCRYPTION Enable encryption of traffic between Pega Platform instance and your organization's Cassandra service. false
CASSANDRA_CLIENT_ENCRYPTION_STORE_TYPE Specify the archive file format in which Cassandra client encryption keys are held. JKS
CASSANDRA_TRUSTSTORE Specify the path to the truststore file which contains trusted third party certificates that will be used in Cassandra client encryption.
CASSANDRA_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD Specify the plain text password for the Cassandra client encryption truststore file. For better security, avoid plain text passwords and leave this parameter blank; then include the password in an external secrets manager with the key CASSANDRA_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD.
CASSANDRA_KEYSTORE Specify the path to the keystore file which contains keys and certificates that will be used in Cassandra client encryption to establish secure connection.
CASSANDRA_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD Specify the plain text password for the Cassandra client encryption keystore file. For better security, avoid plain text passwords and leave this parameter blank; then include the password in an external secrets manager with the key CASSANDRA_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD.
CASSANDRA_ASYNC_PROCESSING_ENABLED Enable asynchronous processing of records in DDS Dataset save operation. Failures to store individual records will not interrupt Dataset save operations. false
CASSANDRA_KEYSPACES_PREFIX Specify a prefix to use when creating Pega-managed keyspaces in Cassandra.
CASSANDRA_EXTENDED_TOKEN_AWARE_POLICY Enable an extended token aware policy for use when a Cassandra range query runs. When enabled this policy selects a token from the token range to determine which Cassandra node to send the request. Before you can enable this policy, you must configure the token range partitioner. false
CASSANDRA_LATENCY_AWARE_POLICY Enable a latency awareness policy, which collects the latencies of the queries for each Cassandra node and maintains a per-node latency score (an average). false
CASSANDRA_CUSTOM_RETRY_POLICY Enable the use of a customized retry policy for your Pega Platform deployment for Pega Platform ’23 and earlier releases. After you enable this policy in your deployment configuration, the deployment retries Cassandra queries that time out. Configure the number of retries using the dynamic system setting (DSS): dnode/cassandra_custom_retry_policy/retryCount. The default is 1, so if you do not specify a retry count, timed out queries are retried once. false
CASSANDRA_CUSTOM_RETRY_POLICY_ENABLED Use this parameter in Pega Platform '24 and later instead of CASSANDRA_CUSTOM_RETRY_POLICY. Configure the number of retries using the CASSANDRA_CUSTOM_RETRY_POLICY_COUNT property. false
CASSANDRA_CUSTOM_RETRY_POLICY_COUNT Specify the number of retry attempts when CASSANDRA_CUSTOM_RETRY_POLICY is true. For Pega Platform '23 and earlier releases use the dynamic system setting (DSS): dnode/cassandra_custom_retry_policy/retryCount. 1
CASSANDRA_SPECULATIVE_EXECUTION_POLICY Enable the speculative execution policy for retrieving data from your Cassandra service for Pega Platform '23 and earlier releases. When enabled, the Pega Platform will send a query to multiple nodes in your Cassandra service and process the first query response. This provides lower perceived latencies for your deployment, but puts greater load on your Cassandra service. Configure the speculative execution delay and max executions using the following dynamic system settings (DSS): dnode/cassandra_speculative_execution_policy/delay and dnode/cassandra_speculative_execution_policy/max_executions. false
CASSANDRA_SPECULATIVE_EXECUTION_POLICY_ENABLED Use this parameter in Pega Platform '24 and later instead of CASSANDRA_SPECULATIVE_EXECUTION_POLICY. Configure the speculative execution delay and max executions using the CASSANDRA_SPECULATIVE_EXECUTION_DELAY and CASSANDRA_SPECULATIVE_EXECUTION_MAX_EXECUTIONS properties. false
CASSANDRA_SPECULATIVE_EXECUTION_DELAY Specify the delay in milliseconds before speculative executions are made when CASSANDRA_SPECULATIVE_EXECUTION_POLICY is true. For Pega Platform '23 and earlier releases use the dynamic system setting (DSS): dnode/cassandra_speculative_execution_policy/delay. 100
CASSANDRA_SPECULATIVE_EXECUTION_MAX_EXECUTIONS Specify the maximum number of speculative execution attempts when CASSANDRA_SPECULATIVE_EXECUTION_POLICY is true. For Pega Platform '23 and earlier releases use the dynamic system setting (DSS): dnode/cassandra_speculative_execution_policy/max_executions. 2
CASSANDRA_JMX_METRICS_ENABLED Enable reporting of DDS SDK metrics to a Java Management Extension (JMX) format for use by your organization to monitor your Cassandra service. Setting this property false disables metrics being exposed through the JMX interface; disabling also limits the metrics being collected using the DDS landing page. true
CASSANDRA_CSV_METRICS_ENABLED Enable reporting of DDS SDK metrics to a Comma Separated Value (CSV) format for use by your organization to monitor your Cassandra service. If you enable this property, use the Pega Platform DSS: dnode/ddsclient/metrics/csv_directory to customize the filepath to which the deployment writes CSV files. By default, after you enable this property, CSV files will be written to the Pega Platform work directory. false
CASSANDRA_LOG_METRICS_ENABLED Enable reporting of DDS SDK metrics to your Pega Platform logs. false

Hazelcast settings

The clustering used in a Pega environment is powered by a technology called Hazelcast. Hazelcast can be used in an embedded mode with no additional configuration required. Some larger deployments of more than 20 Pega containers may start to benefit from improved performance and stability of running Hazelcast in a dedicated ReplicaSet. For more information about deploying Pega with Hazelcast as an external server, see the Helm charts and the Pega Community documentation.

Name Purpose Default
HZ_CLIENT_MODE Enables client mode for infinity false
HZ_VERSION Hazelcast service version.
HZ_DISCOVERY_K8S Indicates infinity client will use K8s discovery plugin to look for hazelcast nodes
HZ_CLUSTER_NAME Hazelcast cluster name
HZ_SERVER_HOSTNAME Hazelcast server hostname
HZ_CS_AUTH_USERNAME Hazelcast username for authentication
HZ_CS_AUTH_PASSWORD Hazelcast password for authentication
HZ_SSL_ENABLED Set to true to enable SSL between the Clustering Service and Pega Platform. false
HZ_SSL_PROTOCOL The SSL protocol for the Clustering Service. For example, TLS.
HZ_SSL_CUSTOM_CLASS SSL context factory class fully qualified name com.pega.hazelcast.v5.nio.ssl.BasicSSLContextFactory
HZ_SSL_ALGO SSL algorithm name
HIGHLY_SECURE_CRYPTO_MODE_ENABLED Set to true to enable highly secure encryption mode that complies with NIST SP 800-53 and NIST SP 800-131. false


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