Created Date: 21 Aug 2017
NLP is mainly used for the computers to understand human language and to allow machines to communicate with us 😄
Natural-language processing (NLP) is an area of computer science and artificial intelligence concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages, in particular how to program computers to fruitfully process large amounts of natural language data.
The main applications are listed below:
translating the languages,
text processing in various languages,
automatic summarization,
analyzing sentiments,
speech recognition,
named entity recognition,
phrase extraction,
tense identification,
relationship extraction, etc.
Learn to clean the data first such as encoding, tokenizing, stemming, removing pos tags etc. Then try any to build any of the application mentioned above. Before coding think how to start with and how to instruct the system to understand what you want them to do.
Let's take the easiest one first! Named Entity Recognition, the package is already available in nltk which you can just import. But before you start, how would you solve NER step by step?
take the sentence as input
break the sentence into words
get the part of speech tags
do the Named Entity Recognition
sudo pip install spacy
sudo pip install nltk