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Releases: performant-software/Neatline


25 Jun 19:17
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v2.4.1 (commits) ~ June 25, 2015

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a problem with item serialization;
  • Fixed a problem with timing issues when going directly to a hard-linked item
  • Fixed problem with loading an barely compatible version of Google Maps
    (#363); and
  • Fixed problem with the zoom levels on some Google Maps (#362).

Neatline 2.3.0

28 Jul 15:34
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Added Features

  • It's now possible to "hard link" to inidividual records in exhibits. For example, if a record has an ID of "36", the route fragment #records/36 will cause the exhibit to automatically focus on that record when the page load. Likewise, manually selecting a record in the exhibit will update the route.
  • It's now possible to set the set the "Default Focus" value for a record independently of the "Default Zoom" value. If a focus is set, but not a zoom, the custom focus will be applied when the record is selected, and a zoom will be auto-computed based on the size of the record's geometry.
  • Vice versa, the "Default Zoom" value can now be set independently of the "Default Focus." If a zoom is set, but not a focus, the custom zoom will be applied when the record is selected, and a focus will be auto-computed around the bounding box of the record's geometry.

Changed Features

  • The routes in the editor have been updated to be more semantic. Now, the starting list of records is at #browse, and search and pagination parameters are provided with #browse/query=search-query and #browse/start=100.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a problem that was causing the layer switcher to be covered by the Waypoints container when the exhibit was using a Google base layer.
  • Fixes a bug that caused Omeka item imports to fail if an item had a "Coverage" value that started with the letter "p" but was not a valid WKT string.

Development Workflow

  • Changes the process by which compiled Javascript and CSS payloads are committed to git:
    • Instead of building the payloads into /dist directories, everything now goes into /dist/development directories.
    • All of these directories are .gitignored, making it impossible for transient changes to the payloads during development to get accidentally sucked in commits.
    • When a release is ready, run grunt freeze, which copies all of the /dist/development directories to sibling dist/production directories. The production directories are tracked, so any changes will get vacuumed up in the next commit.
    • In the plugin, when queuing the assets, Neatline branches on the APPLICATION_ENV global and loads from dist/development or dist/production depending on the environment. This setting is toggled in Omeka's .htaccess file, making it easy to hallway test the exact files that will be used in production.

Neatline 2.2.2

15 May 17:25
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v2.2.2 (commits)

Improved Support for Working with NeatlineFeatures and CsvImport

Previously, if NeatlineFeatures were enabled, you couldn't use the CsvImport
plugin to add WKT data into the coverage field and then have those features
import into Neatline successfully. We've lifted that restriction.

Performance Improvements

  • Changes the MIME type for WMS layer image tiles from image/png to image/png8, which visually almost identical and load much faster.
  • Adds tiled=true to WMS layer requests, which is necessary in order for Geoserver to return cached tiles.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug that occasionally caused WMS layers with undefined zindexes to slip "below" the base layer when the exhibit started.

Neatline 2.2.1

13 Feb 18:42
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixes problem with the ACL that was blocking anonymous users from viewing the Neatline-inflected item metadata.

Neatline 2.2.0

15 Jan 16:05
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Added Features

  • Adds a new interface for linking Neatline records to Omeka items that makes it possible to browse the entire collection of items, run full-text searches, and instantaneously preview the Omeka content (metadata, images, etc.) as it will appear in the public Neatline exhibit.
  • When Omeka items are imported into Neatline, plain-text WKT or KML values in the Dublin Core "Coverage" field are now automatically imported Neatline's coverage field and display on the map. (Previously, this only worked if the coverage on the item was created with the Neatline Features plugin.)
  • Adds a system of interactive documentation that builds reference materials for each individual input and control in the editor directly into the interface. Now, the heading for each input is followed by a ? button that, when clicked, overlays a document with information about what the control does, how to use it, and how it interacts with other functionality in the editor.
  • Adds a link to the Neatline exhibits browse page to the public navigation.
  • Adds a "View the item in Omeka" link to the default template used to represent Omeka items in Neatline exhibits.
  • Makes it possible to add both vector annotations and WMS layers to the same Neatline record.
  • In the editor, the map is now bidirectionally synchronized with the "Coverage" input on the record edit form. For example, if WKT is pasted into the input, the map will automatically update the edit layer to display the new coverage.

Performance Improvements

  • Optimizes the records API so that it avoids re-transmitting records that have already been pushed to the client by previous queries. This significantly improves performance in exhibits that have records with large quantities of metadata - e.g., map geometries derived from SVG documents with many thousands of points.
  • Patches up a memory leak on the map view caused by marooned references to deleted layers on the cursor control instances.
  • Fixes fullscreen, white "flashes" that occasionally occurred in the editor when using Chrome on Macbook Pros with retina displays, which were caused by a bug in Chrome related to CSS transitions on scrollable, fixed-position divs.

User-Interface Improvements

  • Touches up the UI and styling in the editor interface - changes the body font, adds in fieldset legends in the "Map" and "Text" tabs, increases the height of the "Coverage" textarea, adds darkened background color to focused text inputs.
  • Adds an interactive tag selection UI to the "Widgets" multiselect in the "Style" tab on the record form.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug that caused the Omeka item search feature in the record form to display the the title of an item's parent collection, not the item itself, when the item belonged to a collection.
  • Fixes a bug that caused modal windows in the editor (eg, the record delete confirmation pop-up) to get stuck on the screen if the user changed the route while the modal was open.

Neatline 2.1.1

30 Sep 21:32
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug that caused certain interactions with the Waypoints and SIMILE widgets to stop working in fullscreen mode.
  • Fixes a bug that made the fullscreen view inaccessible to public users.

Neatline 2.1.0

24 Sep 16:13
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Added Features

  • Re-adds a "fullscreen" exhibit mode from 1.x, which fills the entire screen with the Neatline exhibit and hides the regular theme markup.
  • In the record edit form, the "Save" and "Delete" buttons are now fixed at the bottom of the screen, making it possible to save the record without first having to scroll to the bottom of the form.
  • When items are imported from Omeka, coverage data created with Neatline Features is now automatically inserted into the corresponding Neatline records.

Changed Features

  • Assorted UX tweaks in the editor associated with the move to Bootstrap 3 - makes the "New Record" button larger, displays more of the record body content in the browse view, makes the close "X" button larger on the record edit forms.
  • Contributor users are now able to view other users' non-public exhibits, which follows the general pattern for other resource types (eg, items).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a set of minor problems that was causing features not to unhighlight on mouseleave under certain circumstances (eg, when a new batch of records is rendered on the map while the cursor is hovering on a feature).
  • Fixes a bug that caused post-2.0 migrations not to run when upgrading from a 2.0 pre-release version (eg, 2.0-alpha2, 2.0-rc3, etc).
  • Fixes a bug that caused Omeka item imports to fail when using the Amazon S3 storage adapter.

API Changes

  • Upgrates Bootstrap to v3.0.0-rc2.

Repository Changes

  • Changes default column width in all source files from 76 -> 80 characters.

Neatline 2.0.4

14 Aug 18:37
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a class capitalization typo that was causing failure notices to be erroneously displayed afted deleting records under some versions of PHP.

Neatline 2.0.3

09 Aug 14:00
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Bug Fixes

  • Resolves issue that was causing item-import queries to fail when the asynchronous background process adapter was set in the config.ini.

Neatline 2.0.2

07 Aug 16:01
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Added Features

  • Makes it possible to turn spatial querying on and off on a per-exhibit basis. This makes it possible to avoid the added load on the server incurred by real-time querying for exhibits that don't need it (eg, when there are just a handful of records).

Changed Features

  • Increases up the size of the "SVG" input textarea to make it easier to see the SVG markup after it's been pasted in.
  • Gets rid of HTML sanitization on exhibit and record models that was scrubbing out data-neatline-slug attributes in the markup.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug that was making it impossible to paste values from the clipboard into the hex value input boxes for the color fields in the "Style" tab.
  • Fixes a problem that was causing item imports to fail when other plugins were installed that made use of the public_show_items hook (eg, Coins).
  • Fixes performance problems in Chrome related to hardware-acceleration styles on OpenLayers tile images.

API Changes

  • Upgrades OpenLayers to v2.13.1.
  • Upgrades jQuery to v2.0.3.