Based on
A Terraform module that creates a lambda function used for RDS rotation support.
- Supports PostgreSQL but is easy to add other engines.
- All required infrastructure is created for credential rotation (lambda, security group, etc)
Secret rotation is not only a great thing to do from a security perspective, but it negates the worry about the
resource storing passwords in state.
module "root_user" {
source = "git::"
secrets = [{ arn: "arn:us-east-2:secret:21321321", id: "12321312", days: 7 }]
rotation_lambda_subnet_ids = ["subnet-0123456789", "subnet-abcdef0123"]
rotation_lambda_vpc_id = "vpc-0123456789"
db_security_group_id =
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
secrets | The secrets that you wish to rotate with this function. | list(object({arn: string, id: string, days: number})) |
null |
yes |
rotation_lambda_env_variables | Optional environment variables for the rotation lambda; useful for integration with for certain layer providers. | map(string) |
{} |
no |
rotation_lambda_handler | An optional lambda handler name; useful integration with for certain layer providers. | string |
null |
no |
rotation_lambda_layers | Optional layers for the rotation lambda. | list(string) |
null |
no |
rotation_lambda_policy_jsons | Additional policies to add to the rotation lambda; useful for integration with layer providers. | list(string) |
[] |
no |
rotation_lambda_subnet_ids | The VPC subnets that the rotation lambda runs in. Required for secret rotation. | list(string) |
[] |
no |
rotation_lambda_vpc_id | The VPC that the secret rotation lambda runs in. Required for secret rotation. | string |
null | no |
rotation_strategy | Specifies how the secret is rotated, either by updating credentials for the user itself (single ) or by using a superuser's credentials to change another user's credentials (multiuser ). |
string |
single |
no |
secret_recovery_window_days | The number of days that Secrets Manager waits before deleting a secret. | number |
0 |
no |
tags | Tags to use for created resources. | map(string) |
{} |
no |
recreate_missing_package | Whether to recreate missing Lambda package if it is missing locally or not. | bool |
true | no |
Name | Description |
default_rotation_lambda_handler | The default lambda handler for the built-in function. Useful for when integrating with a layer. |
rotation_lambda_role_name | The name of the IAM role created for the rotation lambda. |
rotation_lambda_runtime | The runtime of the rotation lambda. |
rotation_lambda_security_group_id | The security group created for the rotation lambda. |