Trhough the things there are some //TODO to do. (Or not) If something new wants to be added the next constrains must be taken into consideration.
* All functions are camelCased and self documented with an example of use.
* All classes/structs are PropertyCased and self documented with an example of use.
* All functions/classes should be under P23 namespace (PetaCreepers23Utils -> P23U too long -> P23)
File Naming
* If the file contains non templated code, it should be .hpp extension.
* If the file contains only templated code, it should be .h extension.
* No .cpp files allowed, I restrict this for easy include and compile.
* If the file contains utility about a thing, it should be name utilityThing.*
* If the file contains only one class for a task it should be named classTask.*
* The testing file inside test should be named [Thing|Task]-test.cpp
* All functionality and templates should be tested.
* The testing should be on the tests folder, using google test as the testing suite.
* Unit testing all functionality is recommended. At least the example case of use should be done.
* See the naming for the test files in the naming section.
Continuous Integration
* CI Workflows are setup using GitHub Actions in .github/workflows.
* For every new feature added, updated on the build system should be done to keep CI flowing.